1 00:00:02,340 --> 00:00:04,507 it's always important . As you look at 2 00:00:04,507 --> 00:00:06,729 our doctrine to go back and take a look 3 00:00:06,729 --> 00:00:08,896 at what we've done in the past and how 4 00:00:08,896 --> 00:00:08,750 it shapes the document for the future . 5 00:00:09,240 --> 00:00:11,351 But as we think about the experiences 6 00:00:11,351 --> 00:00:13,573 we've had as an air force and how we go 7 00:00:13,573 --> 00:00:15,684 forward to uh shape that doctrine and 8 00:00:15,684 --> 00:00:17,740 look at how things have changed over 9 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:19,907 time . You always every once and I got 10 00:00:19,907 --> 00:00:19,830 to go back and take a look at 11 00:00:19,950 --> 00:00:22,620 everything we do and think about and 12 00:00:22,620 --> 00:00:24,731 challenge the status quo to go . This 13 00:00:24,731 --> 00:00:26,953 is still valid . Many of the aspects of 14 00:00:26,953 --> 00:00:29,176 the previous doctrines were valid . But 15 00:00:29,176 --> 00:00:31,287 as we look to the future , there's an 16 00:00:31,287 --> 00:00:33,342 opportunity for us to change to make 17 00:00:33,342 --> 00:00:35,287 sure we stay one step ahead in our 18 00:00:35,287 --> 00:00:37,231 thinking and one step ahead of our 19 00:00:37,231 --> 00:00:39,398 adversaries and really think about the 20 00:00:39,398 --> 00:00:38,990 culture of our room and and and how we 21 00:00:38,990 --> 00:00:40,990 think about Doctor and how we think 22 00:00:40,990 --> 00:00:43,101 about air power and how we apply that 23 00:00:43,101 --> 00:00:45,046 to our day to day operations , our 24 00:00:45,046 --> 00:00:46,934 future planning . You hear people 25 00:00:46,934 --> 00:00:48,934 quoting back our doctrine and using 26 00:00:48,934 --> 00:00:51,046 that to drive how we operate into the 27 00:00:51,046 --> 00:00:52,990 future . That's to me it's kind of 28 00:00:52,990 --> 00:00:54,934 shows a level of success and first 29 00:00:54,934 --> 00:00:56,768 impression I didn't realize when 30 00:00:56,768 --> 00:00:58,823 anytime you make any change , you're 31 00:00:58,823 --> 00:01:01,157 you're you're not gonna get 100% by him . 32 00:01:01,157 --> 00:01:03,212 But I'm okay with that . I think the 33 00:01:03,212 --> 00:01:03,170 thing that makes us better sometimes is 34 00:01:03,170 --> 00:01:05,060 a diverse thought that comes in . 35 00:01:05,070 --> 00:01:07,292 People have different perspectives . It 36 00:01:07,292 --> 00:01:09,126 also helps us think about how we 37 00:01:09,126 --> 00:01:11,348 execute that Doctor , that's the beauty 38 00:01:11,348 --> 00:01:11,190 of innovation Herb and then they're 39 00:01:11,190 --> 00:01:13,190 gonna be able to take this and then 40 00:01:13,190 --> 00:01:15,357 make it come alive because that's what 41 00:01:15,357 --> 00:01:17,357 doctrine is . It's a piece of paper 42 00:01:17,357 --> 00:01:19,412 that only come alive in the minds in 43 00:01:19,412 --> 00:01:21,746 the hands of our several years from now , 44 00:01:21,746 --> 00:01:21,270 we'll come back and take a look at it . 45 00:01:21,270 --> 00:01:23,492 Maybe some things will change and maybe 46 00:01:23,492 --> 00:01:25,603 something that you don't change . But 47 00:01:25,603 --> 00:01:25,380 we got to make sure we think about it 48 00:01:25,390 --> 00:01:27,390 through the lens of the environment 49 00:01:27,390 --> 00:01:29,501 that we're living in at the time . We 50 00:01:29,501 --> 00:01:31,668 make that change as we also project to 51 00:01:31,668 --> 00:01:33,834 the future as I project 15-20 years in 52 00:01:33,834 --> 00:01:33,630 advance . You know , five years from 53 00:01:33,630 --> 00:01:36,120 now , my sight picture may be clearer 54 00:01:36,130 --> 00:01:38,352 because that timeline is gonna be a bit 55 00:01:38,352 --> 00:01:40,408 closer and that's the aspect of have 56 00:01:40,408 --> 00:01:42,574 that flexibility or doctrine . But you 57 00:01:42,574 --> 00:01:41,950 know , there's some things that are 58 00:01:41,950 --> 00:01:43,839 trying to about air power anytime 59 00:01:43,839 --> 00:01:46,006 anywhere . I mean that that's what air 60 00:01:46,006 --> 00:01:48,228 power is all about , how we exploit the 61 00:01:48,228 --> 00:01:50,339 air domain and operate in through the 62 00:01:50,339 --> 00:01:52,820 air domain . And that's what we've done 63 00:01:52,830 --> 00:01:54,941 since we became an air force . That's 64 00:01:54,941 --> 00:01:57,163 what we'll continue to do , how we do . 65 00:01:57,163 --> 00:01:59,274 It might change based on , you know , 66 00:01:59,274 --> 00:01:59,250 what we see happening in the world 67 00:01:59,260 --> 00:02:01,500 where technology might take us . But I 68 00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:03,667 think the real takeaway for our airman 69 00:02:03,667 --> 00:02:05,833 is to think about michigan man , which 70 00:02:05,833 --> 00:02:07,970 means your hands are tied and you can 71 00:02:07,970 --> 00:02:09,803 challenge the status quo and ask 72 00:02:09,803 --> 00:02:12,280 questions and give me some broad guides 73 00:02:12,290 --> 00:02:15,480 and let me go execute . I can do not 74 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:17,591 only what you're dreaming to do , but 75 00:02:17,591 --> 00:02:19,702 I'm pretty smart and I should be able 76 00:02:19,702 --> 00:02:21,702 to do . I can do more just allow me 77 00:02:21,702 --> 00:02:23,758 that opportunity , you know , as the 78 00:02:23,758 --> 00:02:25,813 Chief of staff . If I was a squadron 79 00:02:25,813 --> 00:02:28,036 commander again , I don't know that . I 80 00:02:28,036 --> 00:02:27,570 can think about everything that we need 81 00:02:27,570 --> 00:02:29,626 to do . There's a lot of airmen they 82 00:02:29,626 --> 00:02:31,792 know what they need to do to get their 83 00:02:31,792 --> 00:02:33,848 job done . I don't want to think for 84 00:02:33,848 --> 00:02:32,890 them . I don't think they want me 85 00:02:32,890 --> 00:02:34,890 thinking for them either . And from 86 00:02:34,890 --> 00:02:37,112 that aspect , we all got to take a look 87 00:02:37,112 --> 00:02:36,970 at it . What do we think we need to do 88 00:02:36,970 --> 00:02:39,026 to get the mission done knowing what 89 00:02:39,026 --> 00:02:41,081 the mission requires and that's what 90 00:02:41,081 --> 00:02:43,303 innovation is about . Remember the best 91 00:02:43,303 --> 00:02:45,248 figure out how best to do this and 92 00:02:45,248 --> 00:02:47,081 whether it's to pick up the rent 93 00:02:47,081 --> 00:02:49,192 because you see it where you go . You 94 00:02:49,192 --> 00:02:48,690 know what we don't need that restaurant . 95 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:50,857 We already got two more already in the 96 00:02:50,857 --> 00:02:53,023 in the tool band that we're gonna take 97 00:02:53,023 --> 00:02:55,134 with us and there's one more piece of 98 00:02:55,134 --> 00:02:54,870 equipment that we probably don't need . 99 00:02:54,870 --> 00:02:56,703 We're trying to be lightning and 100 00:02:56,703 --> 00:02:58,759 address and that's what I'd like for 101 00:02:58,759 --> 00:03:00,870 him to take away from that , but also 102 00:03:00,870 --> 00:03:02,926 understand what our power is , Every 103 00:03:02,926 --> 00:03:02,860 one of our specialties in the side of 104 00:03:02,860 --> 00:03:05,027 the United States force contributes to 105 00:03:05,027 --> 00:03:07,193 everybody . I don't care what your FSC 106 00:03:07,193 --> 00:03:09,460 is , uniform , civilian , active guard 107 00:03:09,460 --> 00:03:12,690 reserve . I think it's that important . 108 00:03:12,700 --> 00:03:14,533 If you can't see yourself in the 109 00:03:14,533 --> 00:03:16,589 mission , then we are as leaders are 110 00:03:16,589 --> 00:03:16,390 not doing the right thing to ensure 111 00:03:16,390 --> 00:03:18,501 that I never understand how much they 112 00:03:18,501 --> 00:03:20,557 contribute to air power , because we 113 00:03:20,557 --> 00:03:19,930 all 114 00:03:19,930 --> 00:03:28,960 do .