WEBVTT 00:03.040 --> 00:06.090 july 14th 1922 marks the birth of 00:06.100 --> 00:09.170 General Robin olds , A triple ace and 00:09.170 --> 00:11.392 one of the most profound and innovative 00:11.392 --> 00:13.510 Air Force leaders of our time . His 00:13.510 --> 00:15.690 contributions shaped the way America 00:15.690 --> 00:17.650 defends freedom around the globe . 00:18.940 --> 00:21.390 Robin olds was a great pilot and leader 00:21.460 --> 00:23.700 admired by many . He reversed the 00:23.700 --> 00:26.090 trajectory at U . Bahn Royal thai air 00:26.090 --> 00:29.300 force base And catapulted the 8th 00:29.310 --> 00:31.421 tactical fighter wing into one of the 00:31.421 --> 00:33.477 premier fighter wings in the world . 00:33.477 --> 00:35.560 His leadership during Operation Bolo 00:35.730 --> 00:37.897 resulted in the birth of the Wolf Pack 00:37.897 --> 00:39.897 and seven migs being shot down in a 00:39.897 --> 00:42.890 single day . Wolf ones tactics along 00:42.890 --> 00:44.930 with another great airman Vice 00:44.930 --> 00:47.160 Commander , Colonel Daniel chappie 00:47.160 --> 00:49.480 James grounded the communist foes Air 00:49.480 --> 00:51.960 force for months . His dedication to 00:51.960 --> 00:53.830 warfighting led to leadership 00:53.830 --> 00:56.150 traditions , weapons training and 00:56.150 --> 00:58.550 tactics conferences that impact the D . 00:58.550 --> 01:02.340 O . D . Today . I am honored to sit in 01:02.340 --> 01:04.284 a position that General Robin olds 01:04.284 --> 01:07.420 pioneered . His rich legacy is embedded 01:07.420 --> 01:09.650 in the warrior ethos of the Wolfpack 01:09.650 --> 01:13.110 family at Kunsan Air base Myself and a 01:13.110 --> 01:15.166 few former wolves would like to wish 01:15.166 --> 01:17.430 you a happy 100 for your dedication and 01:17.430 --> 01:20.970 service . I was a father William 01:20.970 --> 01:23.081 Commander when Rommel has passed away 01:23.081 --> 01:25.026 and I remember the day it was on a 01:25.026 --> 01:27.248 saturday . And uh the seventh Air Force 01:27.248 --> 01:29.303 Commander General would called me at 01:29.303 --> 01:31.470 the time to tell me that Romney passed 01:31.470 --> 01:33.470 away . And so it was really kind of 01:33.470 --> 01:35.692 came full circle that the triple nickel 01:35.692 --> 01:37.859 was there with us to honor Robin Rolls 01:37.859 --> 01:39.970 on his passing and I was very honored 01:39.970 --> 01:42.081 to be the wing commander at that time 01:42.081 --> 01:44.248 uh to be able to recognize part of our 01:44.248 --> 01:46.470 history of the and really how we became 01:46.470 --> 01:48.692 the wolf back . Um And and so from that 01:48.692 --> 01:50.914 perspective it was a great honor for me 01:50.914 --> 01:53.026 personally , but also I would say for 01:53.026 --> 01:55.081 many of the women that were there as 01:55.081 --> 01:57.137 part of the fighter wing and part of 01:57.137 --> 01:59.303 the Wolf pack on that particular day , 01:59.330 --> 02:02.070 it is by far the highlight of my entire 02:02.070 --> 02:04.560 career , an opportunity to be a part of 02:04.570 --> 02:06.360 the wolf pack . And today as we 02:06.360 --> 02:09.160 celebrate general olds birthday , I 02:09.160 --> 02:11.216 just wanted to say happy birthday to 02:11.216 --> 02:13.880 Wolf won and congratulations Wolfpack , 02:13.890 --> 02:16.400 I had the honor and privilege of 02:16.400 --> 02:19.970 leading the wolfpack family as wolf 53 02:20.590 --> 02:22.760 I just want to wish Robin olds and his 02:22.770 --> 02:25.440 family and the wolfpack family . Happy 02:25.440 --> 02:28.620 100th birthday and wish you all the 02:28.620 --> 02:31.740 best . It was my privilege to serve as 02:31.740 --> 02:34.760 Wolf 54 at Kunsan Air Base Korea , 02:35.340 --> 02:37.007 Thank you to all our airmen , 02:37.220 --> 02:39.300 particularly Wolfpack airman for 02:39.300 --> 02:41.300 honoring the memory of Robin olds , 02:41.300 --> 02:43.522 happy birthday to our legend and hero , 02:43.760 --> 02:46.150 Brigadier General Robin olds , Wolf 02:46.150 --> 02:50.050 pack . So on january 2nd of 1967 the 02:50.050 --> 02:52.272 wolf pack was born , we just celebrated 02:52.272 --> 02:54.439 the 55th birthday of the wolf pack and 02:54.439 --> 02:56.560 today we celebrate the 1/100 birthday 02:56.570 --> 02:59.160 of the first wolf . So happy birthday , 02:59.170 --> 03:01.800 Wolf one , there wasn't a day that went 03:01.800 --> 03:03.967 by that we weren't reminded of what an 03:03.967 --> 03:06.133 amazing leader Robin olds was , he was 03:06.133 --> 03:08.680 an honor to serve as wolf 59 be part of 03:08.680 --> 03:10.890 the wolfpack team and family . Happy 03:10.890 --> 03:14.670 100th birthday Robin olds Being a part 03:14.670 --> 03:17.080 of the Wolf Pack as Wolf 60 was truly 03:17.080 --> 03:19.170 an honor to be able to carry on his 03:19.170 --> 03:21.281 legacy and something that I'll always 03:21.281 --> 03:23.620 cherish . I'd like to say Happy 100th 03:23.620 --> 03:25.787 birthday to general olds , thank you . 03:25.787 --> 03:28.950 Wolf General Robin olds legacy 03:28.950 --> 03:31.070 transcends time . The eighth Fighter 03:31.070 --> 03:32.959 Wing is like no other wing in the 03:32.959 --> 03:34.959 United States Air Force and that is 03:34.959 --> 03:37.280 solely due to general holds So from 03:37.280 --> 03:40.220 Wolf 61 to Wolf one . Happy birthday . 03:40.220 --> 03:44.150 General loads , I'm so proud of you and 03:44.150 --> 03:46.483 I know my dad would be proud of you too . 03:46.540 --> 03:48.500 It's an incredible legacy . You're 03:48.500 --> 03:50.810 carrying on with all the honor in the 03:50.810 --> 03:53.480 world , being the most fighting nist 03:53.480 --> 03:55.591 wing in the United States Air Force , 03:55.591 --> 03:57.758 I'm just , I'm so proud of you , carry 03:57.758 --> 04:00.070 on . I can't wait to come visit again . 04:00.070 --> 04:02.292 Sorry , I can't be with you today , but 04:02.292 --> 04:04.930 I love you all and I salute you and 04:04.940 --> 04:06.550 just go get a wolf pack 04:10.740 --> 04:12.518 while we may not be in the same 04:12.518 --> 04:15.040 location . The same dedication to 04:15.040 --> 04:17.040 warfighting still exist here in the 04:17.040 --> 04:20.090 wolf pack at as we defend the base 04:20.640 --> 04:22.820 except follow on forces and take the 04:22.830 --> 04:23.830 fight North , 04:29.540 --> 04:30.950 Happy birthday General old