1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:06,949 --> 00:00:09,060 Leaders from the Air Force recruiting 3 00:00:09,060 --> 00:00:11,060 service . Defense Health Agency and 4 00:00:11,060 --> 00:00:13,282 Tricare are collaborating to brainstorm 5 00:00:13,282 --> 00:00:15,227 health care solutions for military 6 00:00:15,227 --> 00:00:17,282 recruiters in remote locations . The 7 00:00:17,282 --> 00:00:19,116 recruiting service is working to 8 00:00:19,116 --> 00:00:21,171 identify locations with the greatest 9 00:00:21,171 --> 00:00:23,282 challenges to medical provider access 10 00:00:23,282 --> 00:00:25,449 to enable the defense health agency to 11 00:00:25,449 --> 00:00:25,329 focus on areas where improvements are 12 00:00:25,340 --> 00:00:27,139 needed . Most the trilateral 13 00:00:27,149 --> 00:00:28,982 partnership also aims to educate 14 00:00:28,982 --> 00:00:30,982 recruiters and their families about 15 00:00:30,982 --> 00:00:33,038 health care options by engaging with 16 00:00:33,038 --> 00:00:35,260 members prior to their first assignment 17 00:00:35,260 --> 00:00:37,316 and develop a monthly briefing about 18 00:00:37,316 --> 00:00:39,260 plans and benefits . The Air Force 19 00:00:39,260 --> 00:00:41,205 Research Laboratory is leading the 20 00:00:41,205 --> 00:00:43,371 development of a new system to enhance 21 00:00:43,371 --> 00:00:43,227 precision for explosive ordinance 22 00:00:43,236 --> 00:00:45,576 disposal . Robots in partnership with 23 00:00:45,587 --> 00:00:47,643 the Air and Space Force tech connect 24 00:00:47,643 --> 00:00:49,698 service . The new technology aims to 25 00:00:49,698 --> 00:00:51,754 improve precision and safety for EOD 26 00:00:51,754 --> 00:00:53,976 personnel by increasing depth detection 27 00:00:53,976 --> 00:00:56,198 while controlling robots during counter 28 00:00:56,198 --> 00:00:58,476 improvised explosive device operations , 29 00:00:58,476 --> 00:01:00,643 current robots rely on two dimensional 30 00:01:00,643 --> 00:01:02,476 cameras to determine depth . The 31 00:01:02,476 --> 00:01:04,309 upgraded system , you , infrared 32 00:01:04,309 --> 00:01:06,143 sensors and led lights to better 33 00:01:06,143 --> 00:01:08,198 mitigate risk in a three dimensional 34 00:01:08,198 --> 00:01:10,143 environment . Technical sergeant , 35 00:01:10,143 --> 00:01:12,143 Daniel Trombone 99th civil engineer 36 00:01:12,143 --> 00:01:14,365 squadron EOD team leader says precision 37 00:01:14,365 --> 00:01:16,365 is everything for an EOD technician 38 00:01:16,365 --> 00:01:18,531 because there's no room for error . He 39 00:01:18,531 --> 00:01:20,754 adds , it's critical for technicians to 40 00:01:20,754 --> 00:01:22,976 solve as many problems as possible with 41 00:01:22,976 --> 00:01:22,723 their robots before directly exposing 42 00:01:22,734 --> 00:01:25,134 themselves to danger . A new ejection 43 00:01:25,143 --> 00:01:26,976 seat configuration is undergoing 44 00:01:26,976 --> 00:01:28,865 testing on the air force's newest 45 00:01:28,865 --> 00:01:31,032 trainer aircraft . The T seven A , the 46 00:01:31,032 --> 00:01:33,143 tests aim to ensure the effectiveness 47 00:01:33,143 --> 00:01:35,365 of a drogue shoot during slower speed . 48 00:01:35,365 --> 00:01:37,032 Ejections , drogue shoots are 49 00:01:37,032 --> 00:01:39,254 traditionally used to slow the seat and 50 00:01:39,254 --> 00:01:41,421 occupant down at ejection speeds above 51 00:01:41,421 --> 00:01:43,254 250 knots . Before the personnel 52 00:01:43,254 --> 00:01:45,365 parachute is deployed . The T seven A 53 00:01:45,365 --> 00:01:47,476 program is collecting data in dynamic 54 00:01:47,476 --> 00:01:49,587 environments with constantly changing 55 00:01:49,587 --> 00:01:51,699 air speeds to provide proof of theory 56 00:01:51,699 --> 00:01:51,530 and update modeling software for 57 00:01:51,541 --> 00:01:53,652 ejection seat performance for a wider 58 00:01:53,652 --> 00:01:55,597 range of pilots . That's your look 59 00:01:55,597 --> 00:01:57,652 around the air force . I'm technical 60 00:01:57,652 --> 00:01:58,041 Sergeant Britt Crowley .