Curtis A. Rowland, a Defense Intelligence Senior Leader, is Chief Scientist, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. NASIC is the Air Force and Department of Defense Center of Excellence for creating integrated, predictive intelligence in the air, space and cyberspace domains. As Chief Scientist, Mr. Rowland guides the 3,000-person center’s analytic production mission, ensuring timely delivery of relevant intelligence data products and services to Air Force and joint operational warfighters, acquisition and force modernization communities, and senior defense and intelligence community policymaking customers.

Mr. Rowland began his government service upon graduation from Wright State University, Ohio. He has served in a variety of positions across NASIC and its predecessor organizations since entering federal service in July 1982. He initially served as a foreign air-to-surface missile analyst where he specialized in the analysis of guidance and control systems on Soviet long-range cruise missiles. He was appointed to his first management position in 1989, and held numerous analytical and leadership positions at both the Squadron and Group level.  In 2004, he earned the rank of Defense Intelligence Senior Leader and assumed his current duties as NASIC’s Chief Scientist in April 2014.

Mr. Rowland is a member of national-level intelligence community and Air Force boards. During his career he has served as the Air Force representative to both the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee and the Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee. In both 2009 and 2015, Mr. Rowland earned a Presidential Rank Award as a Meritorious Senior Professional.

1982 Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Systems Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 
1988 Master of Science degree in Electrical Systems Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 
2000 Air Force Senior Civilian Course, Colorado Springs, Colo. 
2004 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 
2006 Intelligence Community Executive Leader Program, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 

1. July 1982 - May 1989, Aerodynamic Missile Analyst, Foreign Technology Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
2. May 1989 - October 1991, Chief, Management Operations Office, Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
3. October 1991 - October 1992, Chief, Proliferation Office, FASTC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
4. October 1992 - October 1993, Chief, Nuclear Division, FASTC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
5. October 1993 - August 1998, Chief, Asia and Africa Issues Division, National Air Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
6. August 1998 - October 2002, Chief, Future Forces Division, NAIC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
7. October 2002 - July 2006, Associate Chief Scientist, Battlespace Production, NASIC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
8. July 2006 – May 2008, Senior Intelligence Engineer, Data Exploitation Directorate, NASIC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
9. May 2008 – Oct 2012, Technical Director, Data Analysis Group, NASIC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 
10. Oct 2012 – April 2014, Technical Director, Geospatial and Signature Intelligence Group, NASIC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
11. April 2014 – September 2014, Acting Chief Scientist, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio
12. September 2014 – present, Chief Scientist, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio

2002 National Air and Space Intelligence Center Commander’s Award for Merit
2009 Intelligence Presidential Rank Award
2014 Department of Air Force Award for Special Act of Service
2014 National Meritorious Unit Citation
2015 Intelligence Presidential Rank Award

 (Current as of June 2017)