CSAF Leadership Library

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U.S. Air Force




U.S. Air Force

From the CSAF: Memo to Airmen


I am excited to announce the launch of our new CSAF Leadership Library, a dynamic and diverse resource designed to expand your perspective as you tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead. This modern-day library marks an evolution in the DAF’s dedication to your professional growth and the strengthening of our Air Force culture.

My vision for this library is to serve as a platform to inform discussions by providing material that draws lessons from the past, while addressing pressing emerging topics such as leadership, resiliency, technology, geopolitics, and national security. I am committed to ensuring that you are well-informed on DAF priorities and the strategies shaping the future of our Air Force, and I eagerly anticipate hearing your thoughts. The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey; we are never truly done learning as every experience and interaction offers an opportunity to expand our understanding of the world.

This library is not merely a collection of books, podcasts, and documentaries; it's a vibrant platform for dialogue. I encourage discussions, debates, and the sharing of insights among Airmen of all ranks—fostering a culture of open communication and mutual learning. These resources are tailored to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives essential for effective leadership in the 21st century. Included, you will find a rich blend of both traditional and nontraditional recommendations; all designed to sharpen critical analytical skills and develop the leaders essential for meeting the challenges of the future.

I value your input in shaping our Leadership Library. Your opinions matter and are vital in defining what we value as an organization and what is essential for your leadership journey. I invite you to actively participate and share your thoughts. I will be introducing a series of initiatives to gather feedback and engagement from you. This process will be iterative, guided by your evolving needs and interests. Your active involvement will be pivotal in shaping a vibrant knowledge hub tailored to our service. Together, let's make our CSAF Leadership Library a thriving center of learning and growth.

CSAF #23





From the CSAF: April 2024


In this time of consequence, I am committed to strengthening our Air Force, and ensuring it continues to be the most formidable and ready force in the world. As such, I am excited to introduce the second installment of our leadership library, intended to empower, inform, and inspire. This curated collection weaves together leadership, draws parallels between historical and contemporary contexts, and explores advanced technologies that are revolutionizing military affairs—all aimed at sparking meaningful discourse within your formations.

Dr. Jean Twenge's Generations offers a data-driven analysis that delves into the impact of technological changes on the unique characteristics of each generation. By examining the traits of the Silent Generation through the newest generation emerging today, Twenge challenges common perceptions on how and why generations act the way they do. This valuable resource is essential for Airmen leading across multiple generations, providing insights that can shape leadership and communication styles.

In Masters of the Air, Donald Miller offers a gripping account of American bomber crews in World War II, adeptly blending the power of fiction with historical accuracy. The narrative vividly portrays the challenges our Nation faced at 25,000 feet, highlighting the unforgiving nature of air combat. Airmen will gain valuable insights into the sacrifices, challenges, and triumphs of their predecessors in this World War II air campaign chronology. When we speak of empowering Airmen, and delegating to the lowest competent level, we can take heart in knowing that our young American Airmen can take on the tremendous responsibility if the country demands it. 

In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, China’s Approach to AI, the podcasters explore AI's increasing adaptability, learning capability, and economic influence on both the US and China. Drawing parallels with the Cold War, this podcast offers insightful analysis as it delves into the strategies influencing adversarial behavior and underscores the geopolitical implications of AI advancement.

Chinese Lessons from the Pacific War explores the explicit connections between historical campaigns and modern military affairs. By studying the Pacific War through Chinese eyes, Yoshihara argues that policy makers can better assess Beijing’s evolving perspectives regarding potential conflict in the Indo-Pacific.

My desire is that each and every one of you is always prepared to meet the challenges of Great Power Competition. These titles can be accessed and tracked through the E-Learning CSAF Library Journey, available via your web browsers and phone applications. Investing in intellectual growth is an investment in yourself and those you lead. I encourage each of you to take the time to strengthen your mind and broaden your perspective through engaging with these selections. 

CSAF #23



"The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey; we are never truly done learning as every experience and interaction offers an opportunity to expand our understanding of the world."

~ Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Gen. David W. Allvin


CSAF Leadership Library History

Gen. Ronald Fogleman created the CSAF Professional Reading Program in 1996 to develop a common frame of reference among Air Force members -- officers, enlisted, and civilians -- to help each of us become better, more effective advocates of air and space power. Each CSAF since then has enhanced and continued the Professional Reading Program.

In 2021, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., revised the program by renaming it as the CSAF Leadership Library and adding new media sources including podcasts and documentaries.

Today, the CSAF Leadership Library continues with selections from the 23rd Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David W. Allvin.


CSAF Leadership Library Feedback

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Leadership Library Feedback Link


U.S. Air Force

CSAF Leadership Library Books

  • Generations




    Professor of psychology and "reigning expert on generational change" (Lisa Wade, PhD, author of American Hookup), Jean Twenge does a deep dive into a treasure trove of long-running, government-funded surveys and databases to answer these questions. With her clear-eyed and insightful voice, Twenge explores what the Silents and Boomers want out of the rest of their lives; how Gen X-ers are facing middle age; the ideals of Millennials as parents and in the workplace; and how Gen Z has been changed by COVID, among other fascinating topics.

CSAF Leadership Library Podcasts

  • China’s Approach to AI


    China’s Approach to AI


    In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, we are joined by Mr. Gregory C. Allen to discuss artificial intelligence (AI), China’s thinking on AI technology, and U.S.-China competition in this realm. Mr. Allen explains that over the last decade, the approach to AI technology has greatly shifted with a new emphasis on machine learning. He describes the steps of the AI value chain and how different stages are more computationally intensive than others. He assesses that China has responded to U.S. export controls on certain advanced computing chips to China through several measures, including foreign technology acquisition and restriction evasion. However, Mr. Allen points out that chip making equipment is central to AI technology, and China does not yet possess this capability. Lastly, he reveals that the Chinese military views AI capabilities as foundational to China’s economic and military power.

CSAF Leadership Library Articles



    Foreign Affairs: The Path to AI Arms Control America and China Must Work Together to Avert Catastrophe


    This year marks the 78th anniversary of the end of the deadliest war in history and the beginning of the longest period in modern times without great-power war. Because World War I had been followed just two decades later by World War II, the specter of World War III, fought with weapons that had become so destructive they could theoretically threaten all of humankind, hung over the decades of the Cold War that followed. When the United States’ atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki compelled Japan’s immediate unconditional surrender, no one thought it conceivable that the world would see..


U.S. Air Force