NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Heroic "Spooky 43" aircrew receives the Mackay Trophy

    On Nov. 2, 2016, fourteen AC-130U Gunship crewmembers provided close-air-support to a U.S. Special Forces team and 43 Afghan soldiers near Kunduz, Afghanistan. The crew's persistent fire support, presence of mind and courage during two hours of intense combat ultimately saved 50 lives.

  • EVERY AIRMAN COUNTS: Treating each other with dignity and respect

    When I was a young Airman, during the heat of an intense intramural flag football game, a fellow Airman, who was frustrated that he could not stop me from advancing the ball, yelled the ā€œNā€ word out loud. I was shocked and confused. Having been raised in Southeast Washington, D.C., I was certainly