Dr. Brian M. Kent, a member of the scientific and professional cadre of senior executives, is Chief Scientist, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. He serves as the directorate's principal scientific and technical adviser and primary authority for the technical content of the science and technology portfolio. He evaluates the total laboratory technical research program to determine its adequacy and efficiency in meeting national, Department of Defense, Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command and AFRL objectives in core technical competency areas. He identifies research gaps and analyzes advancements in a broad variety of scientific fields to advise on their impact on laboratory programs and objectives. He recommends new initiatives and adjustments to current programs required to meet current and future Air Force needs. As such, he is an internationally recognized scientific expert, and provides authoritarian counsel and advice to AFRL management and the professional staff as well as to other government organizations. He also collaborates on numerous interdisciplinary research problems that encompass multiple AFRL directorates, customers from other DOD components, as well as the manned space program managed by NASA.

Dr. Kent joined the Air Force Avionics Laboratory in 1976 as cooperative engineering student through Michigan State University. He began his career performing research in avionics, digital flight displays and radar signature measurements. Through a career broadening engineering assignment with the Directorate of Engineering, Aeronautical Systems Division, he modeled a number of foreign threat missile systems and performed offensive and defensive electronic combat systems assessments. He received a National Science Foundation Fellowship in 1979, working at both the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories and the Ohio State University Electroscience Laboratory until the completion of his doctorate. Dr. Kent spent two years in the Passive Observables Branch of the Avionics Laboratory, later transferring to the AFWAL Signature Technology Office. From 1985 to 1992, Dr. Kent was involved with classified research efforts, managed through the Air Force Wright Laboratory, now the AFRL. During his tenure with AFRL and its predecessor organizations, Dr. Kent held a variety of positions. He has made pioneering and lasting contributions to the areas of signature measurement technology, and successfully established international standards for performing radar signature testing.

Dr. Kent has authored and co-authored more than 85 archival articles and technical reports and has written key sections of classified textbooks and design manuals. He has delivered more than 200 lectures, and developed a special DOD Low Observables Short Course that has been taught to more than 2,000 scientists and engineers since its inception in 1989. Dr. Kent has provided technical advice and counsel to a wide range of federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation, the Department of Justice and NASA's Space Shuttle Program. He is also an international technical adviser for the DOD and has provided basic research guidance to leading academic institutions.

1980 Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering, highest honors, Michigan State University, East Lansing
1981 Master of Science degree in electrical engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus
1984 Doctor of Philosophy degree in electrical engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus

1. 1976 - 1977, electrical engineering aide, Avionics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
2. 1977 - 1978, electrical engineering aide, Passive Observables Branch, Electronic Warfare Division, Avionics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
3. 1978 - 1980, senior electrical engineering aide, Directorate of Engineering, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
4. 1980 - 1985, research engineer, Passive Observables Branch, Electronic Warfare Division, Avionics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
5. 1985 - 1989, low observable research engineer, Signature Technology Office, AFWAL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
6. 1989 - 1990, senior low observable research engineer and Program Manager, Signature Technology Office, Wright Research and Development Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
7. 1990 - 1991, senior low observable research engineer and Program Manager, Signature Technology Office, Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
8. 1991 - 1994, Principal Research Fellow and Program Manager, Signature Technology Office, Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
9. 1994 - 1999, Principal Research Fellow and Program Manager, Signature Technology Office, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
10. 1999 - 2000, Division Chief, Measurements and Prediction Division, Signature Technology Office, Sensors Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
11. 2000 - 2003, Principal Research Fellow and Program Manager, Signature Technology Office, Sensors Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (2003, Lead Signature Consultant, Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Air Force Materiel Command and AFRL Defense Columbia Investigation Support Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio)
12. 2004 - 2005, Principal Research Fellow, Signature Technology Office, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
13. 2005 - 2008, Senior Scientist for Low Observable and Electromagnetics, Sensors Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
14. 2008 - present, Chief Scientist, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

Fellow, AFRL
Samuel Burka Award (two-time winner), Avionics Laboratory
Best Paper Award, National Conference of Standards Laboratory
Signature Technology Management Excellence Award, AFRL
Signature Technology Director's Award, AFRL
William F. Bahret Signature Technology Technical Achievement Award, AFRL
Director's Award, Sensors Directorate, AFRL
Letter of Commendation, B-2 Systems Program Office, Aeronautical Systems Division
Staff Recognition Award, Columbia Accident Investigation Board
Letter of Commendation, NASA
External Customer Support Award, Sensors Directorate, AFRL
John D. Ryder Distinguished Alumni Award, Michigan State University
Best Dissertation in Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University
2009 Meritorious Presidential Rank Award

Subject matter expert lead, Radar Technology, NASA-Johnson Space Center
Invited guest lecturer, Air War College, Royal Air Force Cranwell, England
Guest lecturer, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Adjunct professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University
Thesis adviser, Air Force Institute of Technology
Federal Liaison, Engineering Dean's Advisory Committee, Michigan State University

Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Fellow, Antenna Measurement Techniques Association
Former Technical Coordinator, Vice President and President, Antenna Measurement Techniques Association
Associate Editor, Editorial board, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters
Former Associate Editor, "AMTA Corner," IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine
Former President, Range Commanders Council Signature Measurements and Standards Group
Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Societies

(Current as of October 2012)