BRIGADIER GENERAL SUE ELLEN TURNER Brig. Gen. Sue Ellen Turner is director, nursing services, Office of the Air Force Surgeon General, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. General Turner was born in Chicago, where she graduated from Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing in 1963. She earned a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Incarnate Word College in 1973, 28 hours toward a master's degree in educational psychology from the University of Oklahoma, and a master of science degree in nursing administration and adult health from the University of Alabama in 1981. The general completed Squadron Officer School in 1975, Air Command and Staff College in 1977, National Security Management in 1979 and Air War College in 1980. In 1965 she joined the Air Force and was assigned as a staff nurse in a medical nursing unit at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. In 1967 she was assigned to Tachikawa Air Base, Japan, as a staff nurse in the casualty staging facility. Two years later she joined the surgical critical care nursing unit at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, as a staff nurse. During her two-year assignment there, she graduated from flight nurse school. After receiving her undergraduate nursing degree, General Turner was assigned as a staff nurse in medical surgical nursing at U-Tapao Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, until 1974. She was next assigned to the regional hospital at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., as a charge nurse and nursing education coordinator. In 1976 she was transferred to the School of Health Care Sciences, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, where she completed the Academic Instructor Course, Test and Measurement Course, Academic Counseling Course and Instructional Systems Development courses. She earned a master academic instructor rating and later was officer in charge of all medical technician training programs. General Turner departed Sheppard Air Force Base in 1979 and entered graduate study at the University of Alabama. Upon graduation, she was assigned as assistant chairman of the Department of Nursing, Malcolm Grow USAF Medical Center, Andrews Air Force Base, Md. In 1984 she was assigned to the Ehrling Bergquist Regional Hospital, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., as chief nurse. Three years later she joined the Air Force inspector general staff, Headquarters Air Force Inspection and Safety Center, Norton Air Force Base, Calif., as a medical inspector. In 1988 she became the command nurse, Office of the Command Surgeon, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. She became chief, Division of Nursing, Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, in June 1990. The general's military awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with "V" device and three oak leaf clusters, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award, National Defense Service Medal with service star, Humanitarian Service Medal, Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon with five oak leaf clusters, and Air Force Training Ribbon. The general is a member of the American Nurses Association Inc.; National League for Nursing; Aerospace Medical Association, Flight Nurse Section; American Organization of Nurse Executives and Sigma Theta Tau. The Aerospace Medical Association awarded General Turner the General E. Ann Hoefly Award for Excellence in Clinical Nursing in 1976. The 1991 Patty L. Hawken Award for Excellence in Nursing Administration was presented to General Turner by the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. She was promoted to brigadier general Jan. 1, 1992, with same date of rank. (Current as of May 1992)