MAJOR GENERAL WILBERT D. "DOUG" PEARSON JR. Maj. Gen. Wilbert D. "Doug" Pearson Jr. is Commander, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. He directs the development, test and evaluation of manned and unmanned aircraft systems; the testing of experimental and research aerospace vehicles and parachute systems, and aerodynamic deceleration devices; the operation of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School; and the development, control and operation of the Edwards Flight Test Range. General Pearson entered the Air Force in 1970 as a distinguished graduate of Officer Training School. He is a command pilot with more than 4,000 flying hours in the F-4, F-15, F-20, F/A-22, T-38 and more than 50 other aircraft. His flying includes 364 combat hours during the Vietnam conflict. He commanded the F-15 anti-satellite Combined Test Force during the time of peak flight activity and, while flying an F-15, launched the first anti-satellite missile which successfully intercepted and destroyed a satellite in earth orbit. Prior to assuming his current position, the general served as director of operations for Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.EDUCATION1969 Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering, Texas A&M University 1974 Distinguished graduate, Squadron Officer School 1975 Postgraduate work, Ball State University 1976 Fighter Weapons Instructor School 1980 Air Command and Staff College 1981 Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk Naval Air Station, Va. 1991 Program Managers Course, Defense Systems Management College 1992 Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.ASSIGNMENTS1. October 1970 - October 1971, student, undergraduate pilot training, Vance AFB, Okla. 2. November 1971 - July 1972, student, F-4 Replacement Training Unit, MacDill AFB, Fla. 3. August 1972 - August 1973, F-4 combat pilot, 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Korat Royal Thai AFB, Thailand 4. August 1973 - October 1976, F-4 instructor pilot, standardization and evaluation pilot and wing weapons officer, 22nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Bitburg Air Base, West Germany 5. November 1976 - August 1978, F-15 instructor pilot and wing weapons and tactics officer, 53rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Bitburg AB, West Germany 6. August 1978 - June 1981, F-15 operational test pilot, 422nd Fighter Weapons Squadron, Nellis AFB, Nev. 7. July 1981 - November 1981, student, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk Naval Air Station, Va. 8. December 1981 - December 1982, student, U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB, Calif.9. January 1983 - March 1984, F-4 and F-5 test pilot, 6512th Test Squadron, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. 10. April 1984 - April 1985, F-20 test pilot, 6512th Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, Calif. 11. May 1985 - March 1987, Director, F-15 Anti-satellite Combined Test Force, 6512th Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, Calif. 12. April 1987 - February 1989, Commander, 6512th Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, Calif. 13. March 1989 - July 1991, Director of Operations Management, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command, Andrews AFB, Md. 14. August 1991 - June 1992, student, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. 15. July 1992 - March 1996, Deputy for Aeronautical Systems, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Washington, D.C. 16. April 1996 - April 1997, Vice Commander, Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom AFB, Mass. 17. April 1997 - June 2001, Director of Operations, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 18. June 2001 - present, Commander, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, Calif.FLIGHT INFORMATIONRating: Command pilotFlight hours: More than 4,100, including 364 combat hoursAircraft flown: F-4, F-15, F-16, F-20, F/A-22, T-38, KC-135, UH-1, A-7, A-37 and C-130, plus numerous other aircraftBADGESSpace BadgeMAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONSDistinguished Service Medal with oak leaf clusterDefense Superior Service MedalDistinguished Flying Cross with two oak leaf clustersMeritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clustersAir Medal with nine oak leaf clustersAir Force Commendation MedalRepublic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with PalmRepublic of Vietnam Campaign MedalOTHER ACHIEVEMENTS1970 Distinguished graduate and Officer Training Award, Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 72-03 1972 Top Aircraft Commander Award, F-4 Replacement Training Unit 1973 Junior Officer of the Year, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing 1985 Ira Eaker Fellowship, Air Force Association 1985 Primus Award, Air Force Systems Command2003 Yeager Award, San Fernando Valley Engineers' CouncilEFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTIONSecond Lieutenant Sept. 10, 1970First Lieutenant March 10, 1972Captain June 10, 1974Major Nov. 1, 1981Lieutenant Colonel Feb. 1, 1986Colonel Nov. 1, 1991Brigadier General April 1, 1997Major General July 1, 2001 (Current as of January 2005)