MAJOR GENERAL FREDERICK R. TERRELL Major General Frederick Reynolds Terrell was born in Booneville, Mo., in 1913. He graduated from Los Angeles High School in 1931, and after achieving the third highest score in the nation on the entrance exams was given a Presidential appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, entering in July 1932. He graduated in the upper third of his class with a bachelor of science degree and regular commission as a second lieutenant on June 12, 1936. He entered the pilot training course at Randolph Field, Texas, in September 1936 and completed flying training at Kelly Field, Texas, in October 1937. General Terrell was assigned to the 18th Pursuit Group at Wheeler Field, Hawaii, for two years and returned to March Field, Calif., in December 1939 when he was assigned as operations officer of the 89th Reconnaissance Squadron (M). In June 1940 the 89th Reconnaissance Squadron moved to McChord Field, Wash. In February 1941, General Terrell assumed command of the 20th Reconnaissance Squadron (L) and moved with the squadron to Hammer Field, Calif., in July 1944. He was then transferred to the 47th Bombardment Group at the same base and in January 1942 assumed command of that group. He commanded the 47th Bombardment Group until June 1943 at Will Rogers Field, Okla.; Greensboro-Highpoint, N.C.; and in North Africa. He then was assigned as deputy commander, Mediterranean Allied Tactical Bomber Force until March 1944. He returned to the United States and was assigned to G-3 Division, War Department General Staff in April 1944. General Terrell was assigned to the staff of the newly activated Army Air Force School at Maxwell Field, Ala., in January 1946 and upon organization of Air University served on the faculty of the Air Command and Staff School. On Dec. 29, 1947 he was assigned as assistant commandant, Air Tactical School at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., and later additionally became deputy wing commander. He entered the Air War College in August 1949 and upon graduation from the 10 month course was transferred to Kadena, Okinawa. During the first two years of the Korean Conflict he was deputy for operations with Headquarters 20th Air Force. He entered the National War College in Washington, D.C., in August 1952 and upon graduation was assigned to the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The rated command pilot served there on the Senior Team and was assistant director, Joint Strategic Plans Group until May 1956. In July 1956 he was assigned to the 34th Air Division (Defense) at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. He also attended the six-week jet qualification course at Craig Air Force Base, Ala., in 1956. He became commander of the 34th Air Division on July 14, 1957. On July 15, 1958, General Terrell assumed command of the 64th Air Division (Defense), the 64th Continental Air Defense Division (CONAD Division) and the 64th North American Air Defense (NORAD) Division with headquarters located at Pepperrell Air Force Base, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. The World War II veteran logged 3,661 flying hours (as of Dec. 31, 1957) and saw action during the North African, Tunisian, Sicilian, Naples-Floggia and Rome Arno campaigns during which he flew 12 combat missions.DECORATIONSSilver StarBronze Star with oak leaf clusterAir MedalCommendation Medal with oak leaf clusterPresidential Unit CitationAmerican Defense Service Medal with foreign service claspAmerican Campaign Medal with anti-sub claspEuropean-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with four battle starsWorld War II Victory MedalNational Defense Service MedalKorean Service MedalAir Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon with four oak leaf clustersUnited Nations Service Medal