CHAPLAIN (MAJOR GENERAL) ROY M. TERRY Chaplain (Major General) Roy M. Terry, chief of chaplains, U.S. Air Force, serves on the special staff of the chief of staff, U.S. Air Force. He advises the chief of staff on matters pertaining to the religious and moral welfare of Air Force personnel; is responsible to the chief of staff for establishing plans, policies, programs and requirements for an effective total chaplain program for Air Force personnel and their dependents in the areas of: personnel, procurement, manpower, training, professional programs, ecclesiastical and public relations, chapel and chaplain materiel, funds and religious facilities. Chaplain Terry was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. His hometown is Danbury, Conn. He graduated from Syracuse University with a bachelor of science degree in 1937 and from Yale University Divinity School in 1942 with a bachelor of divinity degree. He received an honorary doctor of laws degree from Atlanta Law School in 1963. Chaplain Terry is a pastor of the New York Conference of the United Methodist Church. From 1939 to 1942, when he entered the chaplaincy, he served as pastor of the Georgetown Connecticut Methodist Church. Since 1942 his military career has been interrupted only by a three-year assignment as headmaster of Jesse Lee Academy in West Redding, Conn. During service that has ranged around the world and in numerous capacities, he was named "Air Force Chaplain of the Year" in 1957 by the Reserve Officers Association and received the Four Chaplains Award from B'nai B'rith in 1970. Wherever he has served, Chaplain Terry's duties have been augmented by his hobby as coach of base and youth athletic teams. Chaplain Terry entered active military service in July 1942 and attended the Chaplain School at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. His first assignment was to Drew Field, Fla., and he went with the 325th Fighter Group to the European Theater of Operations and served in Tunisia, North Africa; Sicily; and Italy from 1942 to 1944. He was command chaplain for the XV Fighter Command in Italy from 1944-1945. He returned to the United States in February 1945 and was assigned to Headquarters Air Transport Command, Washington, D.C. In January 1946 he was released from active military duty. Chaplain Terry was recalled to active duty in June 1949 and assigned to Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. In November 1951 he was assigned to Clark Air Base, the Philippine Islands. He served as chaplain at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., from 1954-1955; Westover Air Force Base, Mass., 1955-1956; Headquarters Military Air Transport Service, Scott Air Force Base, Ill., 1956-1958; Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Office of the Chief of Chaplains, Professional Division, Washington, D.C., 1958-1962; staff chaplain, Headquarters Fifth Air Force, Japan, 1962-1965; command chaplain, Headquarters Aerospace Defense Command, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1965-1967; command and protestant cadet chaplain, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo., from 1967-1968; deputy chief of chaplains, U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C., 1968-1970. Chaplain Terry was appointed chief of chaplains, U.S. Air Force in August 1970. His military decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster; Bronze Star Medal; Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster; Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters; and Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem with oak leaf cluster. He was promoted to the temporary grade of major general effective Aug. 10, 1970, with date of rank Feb. 3, 1966. (Current as of March 15, 1972)