Lieutenant General PATRICK W. TIMBERLAKE

Patrick Weston Timberlake was born in Fort Greble, R.I., in 1901. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy on June 12, 1923 and was commissioned a second lieutenant of Field Artillery.

Assigned to the Sixth Field Artillery at Fort Holye, Md., in July 1925, General Timberlake transferred to the 17th Field Artillery at Fort Bragg, N.C. That September he entered Primary Flying School at Brooks Field, Texas, and graduated from Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas, in March 1926. He was then assigned to the Second Bomb Group at Langley Field, Va., returning to Brooks Field in June 1927 for temporary duty. That October he went to March Field, Calif., as a flying instructor and in February 1928 he was transferred to the Air Force.

Going to the Panama Canal Zone in December 1929, General Timberlake was assigned to the 24th Pursuit Squadron at France Field, and in June 1931 assumed command of the 78th Pursuit Squadron there. That November he was appointed assistant engineering officer at Fairfield Air Depot, Patterson Field, Ohio. Entering the Air Corps Engineering School at Wright Field, Ohio in August 1933, he graduated the following July.

He then became project officer with the Aircraft Branch of the Air Corps Materiel Division, and in October 1935 was appointed chief of the Attack and Observation Engineering Unit there.

Entering the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Field, Ala., in August 1937, General Timberlake graduated the following June and in June 1939 graduated from the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Moving to Air Force Headquarters in Washington, D.C., he was assigned to the Engineering Section, and the following October took charge of production and engineering in the Materiel Division.

Ordered to North Africa in July 1942, General Timberlake assumed command of the Ninth Bomber Command. The following February he was named director of operations and plans for British Air Chief Marshal Tedder, and soon after the organization of the Mediterranean Air Command, General Timberlake was appointed chief of staff under Air Chief Marshal Tedder.

Returning to Air Force headquarters in April 1944, General Timberlake was named deputy chief of Air Staff, and that November assumed additional duty as a member of the Air Force Board on Transfer of Radar and Communications Responsibilities. Joining the Eighth Air Force at Peterson Field, Colo., in July 1945, he went with it to 0kinawa, becoming its chief of staff, and that December assumed command of the Eighth Air Force. In July 1946 he assumed command of the First Air Division in the South Pacific.

Joining the Army-Navy Munitions Board in December 1946 (redesignated the Department of Defense Munitions Board the following month), in October 1947 General Timberlake was appointed Air Force member of the Executive Committee. The following August he was named director for Military Programs, with additional duty as deputy director of the staff, and in October 1949 was designated director of the staff of the Munitions Board.

Reassigned to Air Force headquarters in December l950, General Timberlake was named director of installations in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel, and in January 1952 became assistant deputy chief of staff for operations there. That June he assumed command of the Air Proving Ground Command at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.

Transferred to Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers in Europe, in April 1955, General Timberlake was appointed commander, Allied Air Forces in Southern Europe, with headquarters in Naples, Italy.

His decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, and the Bronze Star Medal. He is rated a command pilot, combat observer and aircraft observer.

(Up to date as of September 1957)