BRIGADIER GENERAL SAMUEL M. THOMASSON JR. Brigadier General Samuel M. Thomasson Jr., is staff judge advocate, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command, located at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. General Thomasson was born in 1921, near DeKalb, Miss., where he attended elementary and high school. In 1938 he entered the University of Mississippi where he studied business administration and law for four years. In 1942 he was commissioned through the Reserve Officers Training Corps and entered active military service. Later he attended the University of Virginia where he received a bachelor of laws degree in 1947. He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Illinois in 1948, and to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1955. During World War II, his assignments included personnel administration and procurement and production. He was released from active military service in June 1946 and reentered military service with the Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, in June 1948, as a military attorney and has continued to perform as a judge advocate. In November 1948 he was assigned to Far East Air Forces and served with Headquarters Fifth Air Force as assistant staff judge advocate in Japan and Korea. In November 1951 he was assigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force in the Office of the Judge Advocate General as a member of a courts-martial board of review. He became deputy staff judge advocate, Mobile Air Materiel Area, Brookley Air Force Base, Ala., in May 1955. He completed the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in 1958. He was assigned in July 1958 as deputy staff judge advocate, Headquarters Air Materiel Forces, European Area, where his primary duty was providing legal support for an off-shore procurement program to provide supplies and services for Air Force units in the NATO countries. Also, he acted as an adviser in establishment of the NATO Supply Center designed to provide combined logistic support for the air arms of all NATO allies. General Thomasson served as staff judge advocate, Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., from July 1961 to July 1962, when he became staff judge advocate, Warner Robins Air Materiel Area. From November 1965 to June 1968 he assumed duties as deputy staff judge advocate and director of procurement law for Headquarters Air Force Logistics Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. In June 1968, General Thomasson was assigned to Headquarters Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, Md., as deputy staff judge advocate, and in October 1969 he became staff judge advocate. General Thomasson's hometown is DeKalb, Miss. He was promoted to the temporary grade of brigadier general effective Aug. 1, 1969, with date of rank July 8, 1969. (Current as of March 1, 1970)