Dr. Robert Sierakowski, a member of the scientific and professional cadre of senior executives, is Chief Scientist, Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. He provides to the Director of Munitions and the laboratory's commander scientific guidance and advice on research for plans and programs in conventional weapon system and armament. He advises on the status of scientific and technical competence within the directorate, the employment of consultants and experts, and on technology available outside the directorate. 

Prior to this juncture in his long career, Dr. Sierakowski functioned in several positions within the engineering community, but his forte is as an educator, consultant and adviser to military organizations. His abilities in these areas led to his present position in 1997. The Connecticut native has written and co-written more than 150 publications, including three technical books.

1958 Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, Brown University, Providence, R.I.
1960 Master of Science degree in engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
1964 Doctor of Philosophy degree in engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

1. 1958 - 1960, dynamics engineer, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Conn.
2. 1960 - 1963, research assistant, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
3. 1963 - 1967, senior research scientist, United Aircraft Corp. Research Laboratory, Hartford, Conn.
4. 1965 - 1967, assistant professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hartford Graduate Center, Hartford, Conn.
5. 1967 - 1983, visiting assistant professor, associate professor and professor, University of Florida (1982, visiting professor, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C.)
6. 1983 - 1991, professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, Ohio State University
7. 1991 - 1997, professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ohio State University (1992 - 1994, visiting professor (summers only), Tyndall AFB, Fla.)
8. 1997 - present, Chief Scientist, Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, Fla.

1987 Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
2000 Fellow, American Society of Composites
2001 Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

1965 - present, Yale Engineering Association
1970 - present, Review Staff, ASTM
1970 - present, Review Staff, Prentice-Hall
1980 - present, Review Staff, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
1980 - present, Review Staff, McGraw-Hill Books
1980 - present, Review Staff, Acta Mechanica 
1983 - present, American Society of Civil Engineers
1987 - present, ACI Fracture Mechanics Committee #446
1987 - present, Structure and Materials Committee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1990 - present, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Panel on NASA Project Ulysses
2001 - present, Aerospace Engineering Advisory Board, Texas A&M University 
2001 - present, Adjunct Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Tech
2001 - present, College of Engineering Advisory Board, Florida State University/ Florida A&M University
2004 - present, Engineering Advisory Council, U.S. Air Force Academy
2004 - present, Aerospace Engineering Advisory Board, Mississippi State University

(Current as of November 2005)