MAJOR GENERAL SUSAN L. PAMERLEAU Maj. Gen. Susan L. Pamerleau is the director of personnel force management, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. As the director she is responsible for ensuring deputy chief of staff of personnel and Air Force chief of staff personnel policies and strategic objectives are integrated in the development and establishment of policies, plans and programs for civilian and military utilization, classification, promotions, evaluation, retention, separations and retirements. In addition, she is responsible for all aspects of force management including readiness and joint issues, civilian regionalization, dispute resolutions, future systems and rated force management. The general attended Phillips University in Enid, Okla., for three years before graduating from the University of Wyoming in 1968. She received her commission through Officer Training School, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, in September 1968. The general has held numerous personnel, training, programming, political-military and administrative positions during her career, including assignments to Headquarters U.S. Air Force at the Pentagon. She has served on the International Military Staff at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, and also spent overseas tours in Germany and South Korea. The general has commanded the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, the 3700th Personnel Resources Group, and a Women in the Air Force squadron. She also served as vice commander of the Air Force Basic Military Training School and the Air Force Military Personnel Center. Prior to her current assignment, she commanded the Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph Air Force Base.EDUCATION1968 Bachelor of arts degree in sociology, University of Wyoming, Laramie 1975 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 1977 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 1978 Master's degree in public administration, Golden Gate University, San Francisco 1982 National Security Management Course, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. 1985 Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. 1991 Advanced Executive Program, J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 1999 Executive Program for Senior Managers in Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.ASSIGNMENTS1. September 1968 - July 1970, administration and personnel officer, 1928th Communications Group, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. 2. August 1970 - July 1971, Women in the Air Force coordinator, Detachment 204, 3502nd Recruiting Group, Richmond, Va. 3. August 1971 - April 1973, administrative management officer, 31st Field Maintenance Squadron, Homestead Air Force Base, Fla. 4. April 1973 - April 1974, executive support officer, 3rd Civil Engineering Squadron, Kunsan Air Base, South Korea 5. April 1974 - September 1978, commander, Women in the Air Force Squadron, later chief, central base administration, 56th Tactical Fighter Wing, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. 6. September 1978 - November 1979, chief, central base administration, 435th Tactical Airlift Wing, Rhein-Main Air Base, West Germany 7. November 1979 - August 1984, staff officer, Deputy Directorate for Bases and Units, Directorate of Programs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs and Resources, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.8. August 1984 - June 1985, student, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. 9. June 1985 - March 1987, chief, Force Programs Division, Directorate of Plans, Programs and Analysis, Air Force Military Personnel Center, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 10. March 1987 - August 1988, commander, 3700th Personnel Resources Group, Air Force Military Training Center, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas11. August 1988 - April 1989, vice wing commander, Air Force Basic Military Training School, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 12. April 1989 - July 1992, executive officer, Plans and Policy Division, International Military Staff, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium 13. July 1992 - March 1993, chief, Resource Allocation Division and Personnel and Support Team, Directorate of Personnel Programs, Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 14. March 1993 - July 1994, vice commander, Air Force Military Personnel Center, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 15. August 1994 - February 1996, commandant, Headquarters Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 16. February 1996 - May 1998, commander, Air Force Personnel Center, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 17. May 1998 - present, director of personnel force management, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONSDistinguished Service MedalDefense Superior Service MedalLegion of MeritMeritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clustersAir Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf clusterAir Force Outstanding Unit Award with "V" device and three oak leaf clustersAir Force Organizational Excellence Award with oak leaf clusterArmed Forces Expeditionary MedalSmall Arms Expert Marksmanship RibbonEFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTIONSecond Lieutenant Sep 24, 1968First Lieutenant Mar 24, 1970Captain Sep 24, 1971Major May 1, 1980Lieutenant Colonel Mar 1, 1984Colonel Jul 1, 1989Brigadier General Aug 1, 1994Major General Aug 1, 1997 (Current as of October 1999)