BRIGADIER GENERAL PAUL A. MAYE Brigadier General Paul A. Maye is deputy director, Defense Mobilization Systems Planning Activity, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C. General Maye was born in 1936, in Westbrook, Maine. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in education from the University of Omaha in 1965 and a master's degree in social science from the University of Northern Colorado in 1973. He completed Squadron Officer School in 1965 and was a distinguished graduate of Air Command and Staff College in 1973 and the Air War College in 1978. The general also completed Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government program for senior defense managers in 1984. The general entered military service with the U.S. Army in February 1959. He was assigned to the New Jersey National Guard and completed basic training at Fort Dix, N.J. In 1960 he transferred to the Air Force as an aviation cadet and graduated from pilot training at Vance Air Force Base, Okla., as a second lieutenant in 1961. He then was assigned to the 9th Bombardment Squadron, Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, where he flew B-52F's. Early in the Southeast Asia conflict, General Maye flew the first and subsequent B-52 combat missions out of Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, with the 9th Bombardment Squadron. After transitioning into helicopters at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, in 1965, the general was assigned to the 804th Combat Support Group, where he flew missile site support missions at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D. He then volunteered for duty in Southeast Asia and was assigned to the 20th Special Operations Squadron, Nha Trang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam. He flew as a UH-1F aircraft commander, providing helicopter gunship support throughout the theater for U.S. Army Special Forces. During the Tet Offensive he commanded a helicopter detachment of the 20th Special Operations Squadron at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Republic of Vietnam. In August 1968 General Maye was assigned to Loring Air Force Base, Maine, as a B-52G commander and instructor pilot. He was selected as an air officer commanding for Cadet Squadron 36, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo., in 1972. While acting as a special project officer for the commandant of cadets, the general earned his jump wings by completing basic parachutist training at Fort Benning, Ga. After graduating from Air Command and Staff College in June 1973, the general was assigned as an air operations officer in the Bases and Units Division, Directorate of Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. He worked force structure adjustments, base posture realignments and unit conversions in most major mission areas. As an early advocate of the Total Force policy, he became the primary action officer for Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve programs. In August 1977 General Maye returned to Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., to attend the Air War College and, upon graduation in June 1978, was assigned to the 92nd Bombardment Wing (Heavy), Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., as assistant deputy commander for maintenance and, then, deputy commander for operations. In July 1980 he transferred to March Air Force Base, Calif., as deputy chief of staff for operations, 15th Air Force, the headquarters responsible for all Strategic Air Command operations west of the Mississippi. The general returned to Grand Forks Air Force Base in June 1981 as vice commander and then served as commander of the 319th Bombardment Wing, a unique B-52H unit with strategic projection force responsibilities. As wing commander he led the first non-stop flight of B-52s from North Dakota through a precision low-level bombing mission in Egypt and return, demonstrating U.S. resolve in support of Operation Bright Star in the Middle East. In July 1983 General Maye was assigned as deputy director for force development, Directorate of Plans, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations, at Air Force headquarters. In this capacity he led the planning efforts for future aircraft, missile and space system force structures. In March 1985 he was assigned as a command director on the front line of air defense, missile warning and space surveillance for North American Aerospace Defense Command combat operations, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colo. He assumed his present position in March 1986. General Maye is a command pilot with more than 4,000 flying hours. His military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross with oak leaf cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, Air Medal with nine oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal and Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with "V" device and two oak leaf clusters. He was promoted to brigadier general Aug. 1, 1985, with same date of rank. (Current as of October 1987)