Brigadier General Michael C. McCarthy is chief of staff, Headquarters Air Training Command, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.
General McCarthy was born in 1921, in Boston, Mass., where he graduated from high school in 1940, and attended Boston University. He entered the Army Air Corps as an aviation cadet in March 1942, and was commissioned as second lieutenant upon completion of pilot training, in January 1943, at Luke Field, Ariz.
He completed operational training in the P-40 aircraft at Sarasota, Fla., in March 1943, and one month later reported for combat duty with the 64th Fighter Squadron of the 57th Fighter Group in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations. He served with the 64th Squadron for 27 months, flew 154 combat missions in the P-40 and P-47 aircraft, and was acting commander on VE Day.
He returned to the United States in July 1945 and was a pilot with the 363d Tactical Reconnaissance Group, Stuttgart, Ark., from January 1946 to September 1947. General McCarthy then served as the senior Air Force instructor on the staff and faculty of the Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kan. In 1947 he was selected to attend the Air Tactical School at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. Upon completion of the course in December 1947, he was assigned to Headquarters Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., as commander 3894th School Squadron. In July 1950 he became a student at the Air Command and Staff School. In January 1951 he was assigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C., in the Professional Education Division, Directorate of Personnel Procurement and Training.
General McCarthy was assigned in September 1954 to the 20th Fighter Bomber Wing at Wethersfield, England, where he was assistant director of operations, commander of the 55th Fighter Squadron and the wing director of operations.
Upon his return to the United States in July 1958, General McCarthy served for three years as senior Air Force adviser to the Pennsylvania Air National Guard in Pittsburgh, Pa.
He attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., from August 1961 to June 1962. He then was assigned as deputy commander for training at Williams Air Force Base, Ariz., where he also served as interim wing commander from June to September 1964.
In August 1965 he was assigned to the 314th Air Division at Osan Air Force Base, Korea, as deputy director of operations. General McCarthy moved to Headquarters Air Training Command, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, in September 1966, where he served as director of pilot training in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. He assumed duties as commander of the 3615th Pilot Training Wing at Craig Air Force Base, Ala., in July 1967. He returned to Headquarters Air Training Command, as deputy chief of staff for materiel in August 1969, and became chief of staff in August 1971.
His military decorations and awards include the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross with oak leaf cluster, Air Medal with seven oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster, Army Commendation Medal, Presidential Unit Citation Emblem with oak leaf cluster, and Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem. A command pilot, he has flown the P-40, P-47, P-51, B-25, B-26, C-47, T-33, F-84G and F, and F-100D, F-86L, F-105, F-102, T-37, T-38, Y-8F and RF-86F aircraft.
General McCarthy was promoted to the temporary grade of brigadier general effective March 1, 1969, with date of rank Feb. 28, 1969.
(Current as of Sept. 15, 1971)