George Eldridge Keller Jr., was born in Stanford, Conn., in 1905 He was educated at the Stanford High, and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., with a bachelor of science degree in l929.

General Keller received his commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army upon graduation in l929 from West Point. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 1944.

He served with the Army in various assignments, including a tour as instructor of mathematics at the U.S. Military Academy until 1943, at which time he joined the 1st Fighter Command at Mitchel Field, N.Y., and later served as defense officer in the 12th Air Force in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations in Italy. Following the war, General Keller formally transferred to the Air Force and from 1946 to 1950 served as a student and instructor at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington, D.C. During a subsequent European tour General Keller served with the Joint American Military Advisory Group in London and later with Headquarters European Command in Frankfort, Germany.

He was assigned to Headquarters AMC, at Dayton in September 1953 as head of one of the Air Force's major projects -- that of converting Air Force supply catalogs to the new Federal Catalog System. The Federal Cataloging Program was established under the Defense Cataloging and Standardization Act passed by Congress in July 1952.

General Keller also supervised AMC responsibilities in the Air Force's standardization program, which the military services are mutually establishing.

On June 22, 1954, General Keller was appointed deputy for plans and operations in the Directorate of Supply and Services. He held that post until Feb. 23, 1955. At that time he went to Harvard University to attend the Advanced Management Program Course. Upon completion of the course he returned to Headquarters Air Materiel Command as deputy director of supply, a post he holds at the present time.

Bronze Star
European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon
American Theater Ribbon
World War II Victory Medal
Commendation Medal
National Defense Service Medal