BRIGADIER GENERAL WILLIAM LAFAYETTE FAGG William Lafayette Fagg was born in Blanco, Okla., in 1905. He graduated from Farmersville High School, Farmsville, Texas, in 1922; attended North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington, Texas, in 1924, was appointed to the U.S. Military Academy, graduated June 13, 1929, and commissioned a second lieutenant. Until September 1939 he was stationed at Brooks Field, Texas; Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Philippine Islands; and Fort Howard, Md., in various capacities. He then entered Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga., and in June 1936 was appointed an instructor there. After a year at Fort Snelling, Minn., General Fagg entered the fall session at the University of Virginia Law School, Charlettesville, Va., and graduated in June 1941. Immediately thereafter he was assigned to the judge advocate general's office in Washington, D.C. He attended the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for three months prior to becoming assistant judge advocate of the First Cavalry Division at Fort Bliss, Texas, in February 1942. In June of that year he was named judge advocate of the Second Infantry Division at Fort Sam Houston, and in November went to Camp Springs, Calif., as judge advocate of the Fourth Army Corps. General Fagg was designated G-3, Operations of the 69th Infantry Division at Hattiesburg, Miss., in May 1943. From December of that year to March 1944 he was a War Department Observer with the Fifth Army in Italy. Returning to the United States he was again assigned to Hattiesburg as battalion commander and then regimental commander of the 273rd Infantry. In July 1944 he was assigned to the Ninth Army headquarters in Europe as an air operations officer. He was named commandant of the Ground Liaison School at Kessler Field, Miss., in October 1945. In May 1946 he went to Columbia University in New York City as a student officer at the European Staff Officer's Studies Course. He went to Germany in October 1946, and was named regional commander of the 970th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. In February 1947 he was named executive officer of the Intelligence Division at European Command headquarters. He transferred to the Department of the Air Force on Sept. 26, 1947. Still in Germany, General Fagg was appointed deputy inspector general in March 1949. Returning to the United States in August 1950 he entered the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and graduated in June 1951. Assigned to Air Force Headquarters in July 19S1, he was named executive officer to the inspector general; in June 19S2 he was appointed deputy to the air provost marshal; and in August 1953 he was designated the air provost marshal in the Office of the Inspector General. He has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal. EFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTION He was commissioned a second lieutenant June 13, 1929; promoted to first lieutenant (permanent) Oct. 19, 1934; to captain (permanent) June 13, 1939; to major (temporary) Oct. 10, 1941; to lieutenant colonel (temporary) July 17, 1942; to colonel (temporary) Nov. 4, 1944; to major (permanent) June 12, 1946; to colonel (permanent) April 2, 1948; to brigadier general (temporary) Aug. 25, 1953. (Up to date as of December 1953)