Brigadier General Dennis C. Beasley is director of the Defense Network Systems Organization, Defense Information Systems Agency, Arlington, Va. He is responsible for operations and maintenance of the Defense Communications System networks throughout the world in support of commanders in chief, the Department of Defense and the National Command Authority.
General Beasley was born in 1940 in Silverton, Colo. He earned a bachelor of science degree in forest management from Colorado State University In 1962 and a master's degree in public administration from Auburn University in 1975. He completed Squadron Officer School In 1968, Air Command and Staff College as a distinguished graduate in 1975, and Air War College in 1981. He attended the Advanced Management Program at Dartmouth College in 1987 and completed the National Defense University's Capstone course in 1988.
The general was commissioned as a distinguished graduate through Officer Training School Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, in August 1963. After completing Communications Officers School at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., General Beasley was assigned to Ent Air Force Base, Colo., as the 47th Communications Group liaison to the NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colo. From April 1966 to April 1967 he was chief of maintenance, 1880th Communications Squadron, during the initial operations of Binh Thuy Air Base, South Vietnam.
General Beasley completed undergraduate navigator training in January 1968 and was selected as a distinguished graduate and winner of the Flying Excellence Award. He then was assigned as a C-130 navigator with the 64th Tactical Airlift Wing, Sewart Air Force Base, Tenn. From September 1969 to July 1972 he was the instructor lead navigator in the RC-130 with the 556th Reconnaissance Squadron, Yokota Air Base, Japan, and Cam Ranh Bay Air Base, South Vietnam. He then served as a WC-130 and WC-135 standardization evaluation navigator with the 55th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Hurricane Hunters), McClellan Air Force Base, Calif.
In July 1975 General Beasley was assigned to European Communications Area, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. As director of NATO Affairs he acted as U.S. Air Forces in Europe's single focal point for all communications-electronics matters in dealing with NATO and European allies. For outstanding contributions to national defense during this assignment, he was awarded the Air Force Association Citation of Honor.
In July 1979 he transferred to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., as director of communications and electronics, 92nd Bombardment Wing, and as commander of the 2039th Communications Squadron.
He became assistant for special plans to the commander In chief, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, In June 1981, responsible for special operations and POW/MIA recovery efforts. In June 1984 General Beasley was assigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C., as director, Air Force board, personnel and joint matters, in the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) Systems. He was responsible for Air Force Board Structure proceedings and Joint issues involving Air Force C4 systems, and also was the functional manager for all communications and computer personnel.
In June 1986 General Beasley became deputy chief of staff for command, control, communications and computer systems, Military Airlift Command; and commander, Airlift Communications Division, Air Force Communications Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. During his command, Airlift Communications Division won the General Billy Mitchell Award as the best communications division in the Air Force. In February 1988 the general served as the first director of command, control, and communications and computer systems, J-6, of the newly formed U.S. Transportation Command, Scott. He assumed his present position In March 1990.
The general is a master navigator with more than 3,400 flying hours, including 1,400 combat hours in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. His military awards and decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, Combat Readiness Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, and Vietnam Service Medal with nine service stars.
He was promoted to brigadier general July 1, 1989, with same date of rank.
(Current as of February 1992)