Brig. Gen. Woodrow A. Abbott is the director of intelligence, J-2, and inspector general of the U.S. Readiness Command, with headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. As director of intelligence, he has staff responsibility for intelligence and counterintelligence aspects of the command's mission. As inspector general, he reports, through the commander in chief, U.S. Readiness Command, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense on factors affecting the command capabilities to perform its mission.
General Abbott was born in Eubank, Ky., in 1919. He began his college education at Butler University in Indianapolis, Ind., and received his bachelor of science degree in industrial management from the University of Maryland. He is a member of Delta Sigma Pi fraternity. He entered active military duty in June 1942, attended Artillery Officer Candidate School and received a commission as second lieutenant in 1943. He entered pilot training in June 1943 and completed advanced pilot training in September 1944.
From November 1944 to June 1945 he was assigned as a B-17 pilot with the 2d Bombardment Group at Foggia, Italy. At the close of World War II, he returned to the United States and, after several assignments, went to Chanute Air Force Base, Ill., in February 1950 as an operations and training officer and later was a public relations officer.
During the Korean War, General Abbott served with the Far East Air Forces. He returned to the United States in August 1952 and served until January 1955 with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. From February 1955 to February 1956 he attended the Air Force advanced management course at the University of Maryland.
General Abbott served with the 310th Bombardment Wing (later redesignated 310th Strategic Aerospace Wing) from March 1956 to July 1963 as operations officer, B-47 aircraft commander, squadron commander, assistant deputy commander, then deputy commander for operations.
From July 1963 to June 1966 General Abbott was chief of the operations and plans division and later deputy director of operations at Headquarters 15th Air Force, March Air Force Base, Calif. He then went to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., as vice commander and later became commander of the 92nd Strategic Aerospace Wing. In January 1968 he was reassigned as commander of the 93rd Bombardment Wing at Castle Air Force Base, Calif.
In July 1969 General Abbott assumed duties as commander, 307th Strategic Wing, U-Tapao Airfield, Thailand. He returned to the United States in August 1970 and went to McCoy Air Force Base, Fla., as commander, 823d Air Division.
General Abbott was named inspector general for Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., in November 1971. He was appointed director of intelligence, J-2, at U.S. Readiness Command, at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., in March 1973, and inspector general for the command in April 1973.
His military decorations and awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Army Commendation Medal and the Purple Heart.
He was promoted to the grade of brigadier general effective Aug. 1, 1969, with date of rank July 22, 1969.
(Current as of Sept. 1, 1973)