Major General David. N.W. Grant was born in Richmond, Va., in 1891, and he received his medical degree from the University of Virginia in 1915. He entered the Army Medical Service in 1916 and was first assigned to the Soldiers Home in Washington, D.C. In 1916 he also attended the Army Medical School and was appointed first lieutenant in the Regular Army on Feb. 9, 1917.

January 1917 - May 1918: Panama
May 1918 - September 1918: sanitary inspector, Camp Lee, Va.
September 1918 - October 1918: surgeon, Camp Gordon, Ga.
February 1919 - September 1919: executive officer, General Hospital No. 31
September 1919 - June 1920: Commanding Officer, Field Hospital No. 6. On Oct. 15, 1919, he took command of the Sanitary Train on departure for the Army of Occupation to Mayen, Germany
June 1920 - April 1922: Station Hospital, Coblentz, Germany
1922 - September 1925: organized Reserves, 82nd Division, Columbia, S.C.
September 1925 - September 1929: General Dispensary, Washington, D.C.
September 1929 - January 1931: Fort Sam Houston Station Hospital, Texas
January 1931 - May 1931: School of Aviation Medicine
June 1931 - October 1936: Randolph Field, Texas
October 1936 - June 1937: Air Force Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala.
June 1937 - June 1939: surgeon, 3rd Wing, General Headquarters Air Force, Barksdale Field, La.
July 1939: Chemical Warfare School, Edgewood Arsenal, Md.
Oct. 1, 1939: Chief of the Medical Division, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, Washington, D.C.

General Grant became Air Surgeon, Headquarters Army Air Forces, on Oct. 30, 1941, serving in that position until 1945. Even before the outbreak of World War II he had instituted planning for mass air evacuation of patients, which proved during the war years to be one of the chief factors in cutting the fatality rate of battle casualties.

Under his direction, the aviation psychologists developed the most comprehensive mass testing procedure in history for the selection and classification of aircrew on the basis of aptitude, personality and interest. Also carried out under his direction was aeromedical research in human requirements for high altitude flight and the development of oxygen equipment, electrically heated clothing and anti-G suits.

He was responsible for the Convalescent Rehabilitation Program, later adopted by other branches of the armed forces, which utilized the hospital convalescence period for instruction and physical reconditioning, and which endeavored to restore the injured combat veteran to useful military or civilian life by physical reconditioning, psychiatric restoration, vocational reorientation and resocialization.

First lieutenant, Feb. 9, 1917; captain and major, March 28, 1918; lieutenant colonel, Feb. 9, 1937; colonel (temporary), June 26, 1941; brigadier general (temporary), June 20, 1942; colonel (permanent), Feb. 9, 1943; major general (temporary), Sept. 19, 1943