BRIGADIER GENERAL JULIAN B. HADDON Julian B. Haddon was born in Pleasant Hill, Mo., on Oct. 28, 1894. He enlisted as a flying cadet on Aug. 27, 1917. From August 1917 until October 1917 he attended the School of Military Aeronautics at the University of California. He then went to the Aviation Concentration Department at Garden City, N.Y., and in December 1917 was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, to attend the Instructors School and the School of Aerial Gunnery. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Aviation Section, Signal Reserve, on March 7, 1918, and became an instructor in flying at Kelly Field in March 1918. In March 1918 he went to Camp Dick, Texas, for two months, and then to Fort Sill, Okla. In May 1918 he returned to Camp Dick and in July 1918 was assigned to the 2nd Provisional Wing at Houston, Texas. In April 1921 he was assigned to Carlstrom Field, Fla., for duty as an instructor, and in July 1921 he went to Brooks Field, Texas, for duty instructing pilots. In July 1925 he served in the Philippine Islands with the 3rd Pursuit Squadron at Clark Field, returning to the United States for duty at Selfridge Field, Mich., in September 1927 as Post Adjutant. In October 1928 he became a Test Pilot and Chief of the Operations Unit at Wright Field, Ohio. In March 1930 he went to Washington, D.C., for duty in the Office of the Chief of Air Corps. He enrolled in Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala., in August 1932 and graduated in June 1933. He then became an instructor of aviation units of the Alabama National Guard in Birmingham. In July 1934 he served as Secretary of the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Field. He entered the Army Industrial College, Washington, D.C., in August 1937, graduating in June 1938. He then returned to Maxwell Field to command the 91st School Squadron, and in September 1938 became Provost Marshal there. In April 1939 he was made Supply Officer at Maxwell Field, and then Materiel Officer of the Southeast Air Corps Training Center with headquarters at Maxwell Field in November 1940. In January 1942 he assumed command of the Air Corps Advanced Flying School, Craig Field, Ala. He is rated a command pilot, combat observer and technical observer. PROMOTIONS Second lieutenant in the Air Service of the Regular Army, July 1, 1920, and resigned his commission on Nov. 10, 1920. He was again commissioned in the Regular Army Air Service, as a first lieutenant, on April 2, 1921; captain (temporary), March 11, 1935; captain (permanent), Aug. 1, 1935; major (temporary), March 5, 1939; major (permanent), July 1, 1940; lieutenant colonel (temporary); July 15, 1941; colonel (temporary), Feb. 1, 1942; brigadier general (temporary), Sept. 18, 1942.