Sharon K. Puschmann, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Assistant Auditor General for the Field Offices Directorate. She is responsible for planning and executing policies, programs, and procedures to provide audit service to commanders and other clients at all operational major commands and their installations in the areas of logistics; financial; personnel; morale, recreation, and welfare; computer and communications; personnel; and mission support management. Her duties include oversight for 40 area audit offices involving over 400 personnel throughout the world and implementing programs which result in effective management and utilization of resources.

Ms. Puschmann began her federal career with the Air Force Audit Agency in 1989. She has held positions at various locations to include base-level auditor, audit support branch chief, audit manager, program manager, and associate director. As the Resource Management Division Chief, she directed all the financial, personnel, training, and information management for the Air Force Audit Agency. As the Assistant Auditor General for Acquisition and Logistics Audits, she planned, executed, and reported Air Force-wide audits addressing procurement, weapon system acquisition, wholesale and retail supply, and maintenance. Ms. Puschmann is a Certified Public Accountant and a graduate of the Defense Leadership and Management Program. She was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 2008.

1985 Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting, Boise State University, Idaho
1997 Professional Military Comptroller School, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1999 Master of Science degree in logistics management, Wright State University, Ohio
2002 Air War College, by seminar
2007 Defense Leadership and Management Program

1. July 1989 - August 1991, auditor, Ramstein Area Audit Office, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
2. August 1991 - August 1994, auditor, Langley Area Audit Office, Langley AFB, Va.
3. August 1994 - July 1999, Audit Manager, Supply Division, Materiel and Systems Audits, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
4. July 1999 - January 2001, Chief, Audit Support Branch, Materiel and Systems Audits, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
5. January 2001 - January 2003, Program Manager, Maintenance Division, Acquisition and Logistics Audits, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
6. January 2003 - October 2005, Chief, Resource Management Division, Operations Directorate, Rosslyn, Va.
7. October 2005 - March 2008, Associate Director, Maintenance, Acquisition and Logistics Audits, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
8. March 2008 - May 2012, Assistant Auditor General, Acquisition and Logistics Audits, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
9. May 2012 - present, Assistant Auditor General, Field Offices, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

1999 Customer Service Award, Air Force Audit Agency
1999 Auditor of the Year, Aviation Chapter, American Society of Military Comptrollers
2000 Quality Excellence Award, Air Force Audit Agency
2005 Special Act or Service Award

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Institute of Internal Auditors
Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants
American Society of Military Comptrollers

1987 Certified Public Accountant, Idaho
1999 Certified Public Accountant, Ohio
Certified Logistics Auditor, Department of Defense

(Current as of May 2012)