Chaplain (Brig. Gen.) David H. Webb is mobilization assistant to the Chief of the Chaplain Service, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. He serves as the principal adviser for training, readiness and resourcing of 560 Air Reserve Chaplain Service personnel. As the senior Reserve pastor, he assists in providing policy initiatives and communication linkages that ensure a highly mobile, skillfully trained and spiritually responsive Total Force ministry worldwide. Chaplain Webb also serves as the principal Air Reserve adviser to the Armed Forces Chaplain's Board.

A native of Salem, Va., Chaplain Webb entered the Air Force in 1979, nine years after ordination as a Lutheran pastor. In his civilian capacity, he serves as the Assistant to the Bishop, Director for Leadership Development, Florida-Bahamas Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

1966 Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Lenoir Rhyne College, Hickory, N.C.
1970 Master of Divinity degree, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
1984 Reserve Forces Course
1992 Air War College, by correspondence
1994 Academic Instructors Course
1995 Reserve Components National Security Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
1. February 1979 - March 1981, chaplain, 301st Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Homestead Air Force Base, Fla.
2. March 1981 - June 1989, individual mobilization augmentee chaplain, 56th Combat Support Group, MacDill AFB, Fla.
3. June 1989 - October 1991, IMA supervisory chaplain, 354th Combat Support Squadron, Myrtle Beach AFB, S.C.
4. October 1991 - August 1995, IMA Command Chaplain, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
5. August 1995 - April 1997, Command Chaplain, Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center, Denver, Colo.
6. April 1997 - present, mobilization assistant to the Chief of the Air Force Chaplain Service, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.

Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Organizational Excellence Award

Captain Feb. 26, 1979
Major Jan. 1, 1983
Lieutenant Colonel Jan. 9, 1987
Colonel Jan. 4, 1993
Brigadier General June 30, 1999

(Current as of June 2002)