Lt. Gen. Marshall B. "Brad" Webb is the Commander, Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base San Antonio–Randolph, Texas. He is responsible for the recruitment, training and education of Air Force personnel. His command includes Air Force Recruiting Service, two numbered Air Forces and Air University. The command operates more than 1,400 trainer, fighter and mobility aircraft, 24 wings, 11 bases and five geographically separated groups. It trains more than 293,000 students per year with approximately 60,000 active duty, Reserve, Guard, civilian and contractor personnel.
Lt. Gen. Webb graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1984. He is a command pilot with more than 3,700 flying hours, including 117 combat hours in Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia. Prior to his current position, the general was the Commander of Air Force Special Operations Command and has commanded the 20th Special Operations Squadron, the 352nd Special Operations Group, the 1st Special Operations Wing, the 23rd Air Force, Special Operations Command Europe and NATO Special Operations Headquarters. His staff assignments include duty at Headquarters AFSOC, the Joint Special Operations Command and in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
1984 Bachelor of Science, Biology, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.
1990 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
1994 Master of Science, International Relations, Troy State University, Ala.
1998 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1998 Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.
2003 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2004 Master of Science, National Security Strategy, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
2006 Senior Leader Seminar, Brookings Institution/European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, Netherlands and Brussels
2007 Air Force Enterprise Leadership Seminar, Kenan–Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2008 Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, N.C.
2015 Leadership at the Peak, Colorado Springs, Colo.
2017 Pinnacle Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
1. July 1984–May 1985, Student, Undergraduate Helicopter Pilot Training, Fort Rucker, Ala.
2. May 1985–July 1985, Student, UH-1N Upgrade Training, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.
3. August 1985–November 1987, UH-1N Pilot, Detachment 4, 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Hill AFB, Utah
4. November 1987–July 1994, MH-53H/J Pilot, Instructor Pilot and Flight Examiner, 20th Special Operations Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
5. July 1994–July 1997, MH-53J Flight Examiner, Group Flight Safety Officer and Flight Commander 352nd Special Operations Group, Royal Air Force Mildenhall, United Kingdom
6. August 1997–June 1998, Student, Air Command & Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
7. July 1998–September 1998, Student, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.
8. September 1998–September 2000, Action Officer, Strategic Plans and Policy, Headquarters Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C.
9. September 2000–June 2003, Assistant Operations Officer, Operations Officer, and Commander, 20th SOS, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
10. August 2003–June 2004, Student, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.
11. June 2004–June 2005, Deputy Director, Northern Gulf, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
12. June 2005–June 2007, Commander, 352nd SOG and Joint Special Operations Air Component, Special Operations Command Europe, RAF Mildenhall, England (August 2006–September 2006, Commander, Task Force Alpha, Joint Task Force-Lebanon, RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus)
13. July 2007–November 2008, Commander, 1st Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Fla. (January 2008–February 2008, Commander, Joint Special Operations Air Component, Special Operations Command Central, Joint Base Balad, Iraq)
14. November 2008–April 2009, Special Assistant to the Commander, Headquarters Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
15. April 2009–June 2010, Commander, 23rd Air Force, and Director of Operations, Headquarters Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
16. July 2010–July 2012, Assistant Commanding General, Headquarters Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C.
17. July 2012–July 2013, Director, Plans, Programs, Requirements and Assessments, AFSOC, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
18. July 2013–August 2014, Commander, Special Operations Command Europe, Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany
19. August 2014–July 2016, Commander, NATO Special Operations Headquarters, Mons, Belgium
20. July 2016–July 2019, Commander, Headquarters, AFSOC, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
21. July 2019–present, Commander, Air Education and Training Command, JB San Antonio-Randolph, Texas
1. September 1998–September 2000, Action Officer, Strategic Plans and Policy (J5), Headquarters Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C., as a major and lieutenant colonel
2. June 2004–June 2005, Deputy Director, Northern Gulf, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va., as a lieutenant colonel
3. June 2005–June 2007, Commander, Joint Special Operations Air Component, Special Operations Command Europe, Royal Air Force Mildenhall, United Kingdom (August 2006–September 2006, Commander, Task Force Alpha, Joint Task Force-Lebanon, RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus), as a colonel
4. January 2008–February 2008, Commander, Joint Special Operations Air Component, Special Operations Command Central, Joint Base Balad, Iraq, as a colonel
5. July 2010–July 2012, Assistant Commanding General, Headquarters Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C., as a brigadier general
6. July 2013–August 2014, Commander, Special Operations Command Europe, Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany, as a major general
7. August 2014–July 2016, Commander, NATO Special Operations Headquarters, Mons, Belgium, as a lieutenant general
Rating: command pilot
Flight hours: more than 3,700, including 117 combat hours
Aircraft flown: MH-53H/J/M, CV-22B, UH-1H/N, MC-130H and MC-130P
Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster
Distinguished Flying Cross
Bronze Star with two oak leaf clusters
NATO Meritorious Service Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Aerial Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air Force Combat Action Medal
Presidential Unit Citation
Joint Meritorious Unit Award with three oak leaf clusters
Gallant Unit Citation with oak leaf cluster
Meritorious Unit Award
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with "V" device and silver and bronze oak leaf clusters
Lithuanian Medal of Distinction
Polish Army Medal, Gold distinction
Romanian Armed Forces Honorary Medal
Ukraine Ministry of Defense Medal
Ukraine Chief of General Staff Glory and Honor Medal
1996 Cheney Award (for most valorous flight of the year in humanitarian regard)
(Current as of September 2021)