BRIGADIER GENERAL VINCENT M. SARONI P.E. Brig. Gen. Vincent M. Saroni, P.E., is the Mobilization Assistant to the Air Force Civil Engineer, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. He supports the Air Force Civil Engineer in installation support functions at 166 Air Force bases worldwide with an annual budget of more than $12 billion. He also supports organizing, training and equipping the 60,000-person engineering force, for planning, development, construction, maintenance, utilities and the environmental quality of Air Force bases worldwide valued at more than $251 billion. This support also includes services for housing, fire protection, aircraft crash and rescue, explosive ordnance disposal and disaster preparedness. Additionally, he assists in overseeing the Air Force Civil Engineer Center with operating locations at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, and Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. General Saroni entered the Air Force in June 1983 upon receiving his degree from the U.S. Air Force Academy. While on active duty for nine years, General Saroni served two years in Foreign Military Sales in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as a construction program manager for the Royal Saudi Air Force. After joining the Air Force Reserve in 1992, he served in the unit program and completed engineering assessments in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Germany, Italy and Panama. The day after 11 September 2001, General Saroni reported for duty and subsequently was activated for one year as the lead command engineer for antiterrorism/force protection initiatives. The Air Force Civil Engineer selected General Saroni as the first Airman to ever lead the U.S. Army's Gulf Region Division, International Zone, Baghdad, Iraq. As Gulf Region Division 's Deputy Commanding Officer, he ensured the safety and security of more than 4,000 personnel in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' largest program - more than $14 billion to reconstruct Iraq. As Deputy Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, he assisted the director in consolidating three legacy organizations and leading the new 1,900-person civil engineer field operating agency. He has also served in various base level and headquarters assignments throughout his active duty and Reserve careers. General Saroni is a licensed, professional engineer in the state of Texas. EDUCATION 1983 Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, U.S. Air Force Academy 1990 Master of Science degree in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin 1990 Squadron Officer School, in residence (Outstanding Contributor Award) 1995 Master of Arts in Ministry, Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas 1998 Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence 2002 Air War College, by correspondence 2010 Enterprise Leadership Seminar, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Va. 2011 Leadership Enhancement Program, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, N.C. ASSIGNMENTS 1. June 1983 - July 1986, Chief, Readiness Management Branch, Tactical Air Command, Bergstrom AFB, Texas 2. July 1986 - July 1988, Graduate Student, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 3. July 1988 - July 1990, Construction Program Manager, Logistics Support Group, Air Force Logistics Command, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 4. August 1990 - June 1992, Housing Program Manager, Programs Division, Directorate of Civil Engineering, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt AFB, Neb. 5. December 1992 - September 1996, Civil Engineer, 810th Civil Engineer Flight, 10th Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command, Bergstrom AFB and Carswell ARB, Texas 6. September 1996 - July 1999, Chief, Environmental Programs Division (IMA), Directorate of Civil Engineering, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Ill. 7. July 1999 - February 2002, Chief, Planning and Programs Division (IMA), Directorate of Civil Engineering, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Ill. 8. February 2002 - May 2003, Chief, Operations Division (IMA), Directorate of Civil Engineering, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Ill. 9. May 2003 - January 2006, Chief, Readiness and Installation Support Division (IMA), Office of the Civil Engineer, DCS/Installations and Logistics, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington D.C. 10. February 2006 - December 2008, IMA to the Director of Installations and Mission Support, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Ill. 11. January 2008 - September 2008, Deputy Commanding Officer, Gulf Region Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Multi-National Forces - Iraq, U.S. Central Command, Baghdad, Iraq 12. October 2008 - June 2009, IMA to the Director of Installations and Mission Support, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, Ill. 13. June 2009 - October 2012, Mobilization Assistant to the Air Force Civil Engineer, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. 14. October 2012 - September 2013, Deputy Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas 15. October 2013 - present, Mobilization Assistant to the Air Force Civil Engineer, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Distiguished Service Medal Bronze Star Medal Meritorious Service Medal with silver oak leaf cluster Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster Joint Service Achievement Medal Air Force Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster Joint Meritorious Unit Award National Defense Service Medal with oak leaf cluster Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Iraq Campaign Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Air Force Reserve Medal with three 'M' devices OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS U.S. Army Combat Sleeve Insignia, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Order of the Bayonet, Headquarters Air Mobility Command Security Forces Young Military Engineer of the Year, Society of American Military Engineers, Missouri River Region Outstanding Cadet Squadron of the Year, U.S. Air Force Academy Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America EFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTION Second Lieutenant June 1, 1983 First Lieutenant June 1, 1985 Captain June 1, 1987 Major March 10,1995 Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 1,1999 Colonel March 1, 2003 Brigadier General Feb. 17, 2012 (Current as of March 2016)