Yantis H. Taylor was born in Bartlett, Texas, July 29, 1898. He graduated from Peacock Military College at San Antonio, Texas, in 1916, and two years later enlisted as a flying cadet at Post Field, Oklahoma. He completed his flying training at Kelly Field, Texas, in March 1919, at which time he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps Reserve.
After receiving his commission he served a tour of duty with the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at Brooks Field, Texas, and in the summer of 1920 was assigned to the 507th Pursuit Squadron at Kelly Field. During the summer of 1925 he returned to Kelly Field for duty with the 8th Attack Squadron.
In June, 1926, he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Air Corps of the Regular Army and assigned as a flying instructor at the Air Corps Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field.
From July to November, 1930, he served at that station as squadron engineering officer and in December of that year was ordered to Nichols Field in the Philippine Islands as armament and assistant engineering officer of the 2nd Observation Squadron. In February 1931, he was transferred to Clark Field, also in the Philippines, as assistant transportation, operations and intelligence officer of the 3rd Pursuit Squadron.
In January 1934, he returned to the United States for duty as commanding officer of the 94th Pursuit Squadron at Selfridge Field, Michigan, and served later at the same station as operations officer of the 1st Pursuit Group. In September 1936, he entered the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Field, Alabama, from which he graduated a year later. He then attended the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, graduating in June 1938.
The following month he was assigned to instruct the Missouri National Guard at Robertson, Missouri, and in January 1941, became director of training and flying at the Air Corps Advanced Flying School at Selma, Alabama. He later served in the same capacity at Barksdale Field, Louisiana, and in July 1941, moved to Moultrie, Georgia, to assume command of the Air Corps Advanced Flying School. In January 1942, he was appointed commanding officer of Spence Field, Georgia.
He went to the North African theater in June, 1943, as chief of staff of the 47th Bombardment Wing and deputy chief of staff of the Fifteenth Air Force. He later transferred to the 305th Bombardment Wing in that theater and in August 1944, assumed command of the 306th Fighter Wing in the Mediterranean theater.
In August 1945, he returned to the United States, and a month later assumed command of Drew Field at Tampa, Florida. He was named a member of the Regular Army Personnel Screening Board at the War Department Personnel Screening Center at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, in January 1946. In May of that year he became deputy commander of the Twelfth Air Force at March Field California, and the following October was appointed Air Force representative of the War Department Screening Board in Washington, D.C. In April 1947, he became president of the Air Force Officers’ Record Board, and a month later was named commanding general of Andrews AFB, Maryland. In August 1947, he assumed command of the 4th Fighter Wing at Andrews, in addition to his duties as commanding general of the base.
In February, 1949, he was appointed deputy commanding general of Air Defense Command, with station at Andrews AFB, and later that month became Assistant Deputy for Air Defense of Continental Air Command, with no change of station.
He was assigned to the Twentieth Air Force on Okinawa in July 1949, and shortly afterward became its chief of staff. He returned to the United States in November, 1949, for assignment to the Ninth Air Force at Langley AFB, Virginia, to await retirement.
Brig. Gen. Taylor has been awarded the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, World War I Victory Medal, American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with seven Bronze Stars and World War II Victory Medal.
He was rated a Command Pilot, Combat Observer, and Aircraft Observer.
Private First Class, Aviation Section, Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps, January 25, 1918, to March 20, 1919; Second Lieutenant, Aviation Section, Signal Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 3, 1919; First Lieutenant, Air Service, Officers’ Reserve Corps, May 7, 1924; Flying Cadet, Air Service, January 12, to September 7, 1926; Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, June 30, 1926; First Lieutenant, September 1, 1932; Captain (temporary), April 20, 1935, to June 16, 1936; Captain, June 30, 1936; Major (temporary), December 30, 1940; Major, A.U.S., January 31, 1941; Lieutenant Colonel (temporary), January 5, 1942; Lieutenant Colonel, A.U.S., February 1, 1942; Colonel, A.U.S. (Air Corps), March 1, 1942; Major, June 30, 1943; Colonel, A.U.S., December 26, 1943; Brigadier General, A.U.S., June 15, 1945; Colonel, April 2, 1948; retired with rank of Brigadier General, December 31, 1949.