Q1. Will I receive back pay? How do I update the Time and Attendance system?
(UPDATED: Oct. 17, 2013, at 3 p.m. ET) Yes, furloughed civilians will receive back pay. IMPORTANT NOTE: Individual civilian employees are not authorized to update their information in the Time & Attendance (T&A) system; however, Timekeepers and Certifiers can update the system. Visit http://www.dfas.mil/ for more information.
Q2. Why didn't I accrue annual or sick leave for the pay period ending Oct. 5? Why does my Civilian Leave and Earning Statement show "0" in these two leave categories?
A2. According to Air Force Financial Management leadership, civilian employees who were furloughed Oct. 1-4 (32 hours) may find that they did not accrue annual or sick leave. Additionally, under the administrative furlough guidelines, most employees completed 48 hours in a non-pay status. These two furlough requirements equal 80 hours in a non-pay status. IAW 5 CFR 630.208(a), the accumulation of non-pay status hours during a leave year can affect the accrual of annual leave and sick leave. When a full-time employee with an 80-hour biweekly tour of duty accumulates a total of 80 hours of non-pay status from the beginning of the leave year (either in one pay period, or over the course of several pay periods), the employee will not earn annual and sick leave in the pay period in which the 80-hour accumulation is reached. If the above circumstances apply to you, your LES will most likely reflect "0" in these two leave areas. Legislation is pending for retroactive pay. If this is passed, you should be granted back pay, resulting in the restoration of the unearned leave hours.
Q3. Will EXEMPT civilians be paid in full and on time?
A3. Department of Defense employees who are exempt from the shutdown furlough (e.g., Non-appropriated Fund employees) will receive their regular pay and allowances since they are not affected
by the lapse in appropriations. Exempt employees may also take annual and sick leave during the furlough period; normal federal holiday rules apply for Columbus Day.
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