All Airmen, regardless of sexual orientation, may serve openly in the United States Air Force. Sexual orientation remains a personal and private matter--it will not be a factor in accession, promotion, separation, or any other personnel decision-making process.
Relevant Air Force Instructions (AFI) have been updated as a result of the repeal of DADT; a complete listing of those 22 AFIs is posted on the e-publishing website.
A summary of key issues associated with repeal of DADT in addition to previously released guidance, training, and Frequently Asked Questions, are available at the Air Force DADT Repeal website, located on the Air Force Portal under the Life & Career tab.
The Air Force is committed to promoting an environment free from barriers where all Airmen can reach their fullest potential. Discrimination, harassment, and abuse based on sexual orientation are unacceptable and will be swiftly addressed by commanders. Air Force leaders are confident that the repeal of DADT will be implemented with the professionalism, respect, and discipline shared by all Airmen.