Illustration showing the components of the LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM.



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Introducing the new 908 AW MVPs

Following the July 2022 Unit Training Assembly, Col. Craig Drescher, commander of the 908th Airlift Wing, called on 35 enlisted and officer senior leaders from every squadron and group to join him and the other two thirds of his command team consisting of 908 AW Vice Commander, Col. Casey Burril, and 908 AW Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Tracy Cornett, for a wing strategic alignment conference July 11 and 12, 2022, at Air University’s Fairchild Library on Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Now, after more than two weeks of deliberation, the wing has announced its new mission, vision and priorities. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Austin Jackson)

PHOTO BY: Senior Airman Austin Jackson
VIRIN: 220728-F-QL331-0001.PNG
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