Libraries launch 'Have Book - Will Travel' summer reading program Published May 29, 2013 By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Summer is just around the corner and it won't be long before the kids get bored. Head them off at the pass with adventures and activities hosted by your local library. Air Force libraries have launched the summer reading program, "Have Book - Will Travel!" and are planning a host of activities for children, teens and adults designed to encourage the love of reading. Program participants can also win prizes for reaching their reading goals, said Margie Buchanan, the Air Force Personnel Center libraries branch chief. "Reading is a critical skill for children and adults alike," Buchanan said. "Successful careers and lives depend on strong reading and comprehension skills, so we're committed to helping people learn to love reading early, and supporting their love of reading throughout their lives." Base libraries throughout the Department of Defense will sponsor special events and themes. All participants will establish reading goals for the program and those who meet their goals will be eligible for special prizes, Buchanan said. The annual summer reading program is more than just fun, though. Research shows that reading over the summer prevents summer reading loss. "Studies indicate students who read recreationally out-perform those who don't. Students read more when they can choose materials based on their own interests," Buchanan said. "Our libraries are committed to supporting lifelong learning and educational enrichment for all our families." Registration is underway at more than 250 DOD libraries. Interested readers can go to their base library for more information, or visit Those who are not near an installation can email for participation information. For more information about other library programs and quality of life initiatives, visit the AFPC Services website at