New resources promote fitness culture Published April 10, 2013 By Gloria Kwizera Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- To help improve Total Force fitness levels, Air Force Personnel Center officials are fielding new fitness resources accessible online, in person or on DVD. These resources, including the Operational Fitness Program, Xtreme Wednesday Workouts, the Air Force Fitness DVDs and the Fitness on Request kiosks are available to all Total Force Airmen, retirees and families, through base Fitness and Sports Centers and unit physical training leaders. The Operational Fitness Program provides detailed exercise plans for individuals of all fitness levels and is easily accessible on "The goal of the program is to help maintain resilient Airmen and encourage healthy lifestyles for our Air Force communities at large," said Scott Nunnelly, the AFPC fitness program manager. "While the program isn't mandatory, it provides a great baseline for people to maintain their fitness throughout the year." AFPC officials reached out to installation fitness and sports managers as well as exercise physiologists for their feedback to help develop the workout plans. Currently, the program offers detailed workouts for three levels of fitness: Level One: Three bi-weekly routines that progressively become more difficult. The workouts build upon endurance, strength and power over the course of six weeks. This level is geared toward Airmen who need help passing their fitness test or those new to fitness. Level Two: For those who already exercise regularly, this level provides an alternative plan to help maintain or increase their current fitness level. Workouts incorporate both bodyweight and light dumbbell exercises. Level Three: For individuals at an advanced fitness level; an alternative to the commercial extreme conditioning programs. These rigorous workouts align with established fitness industry standards and guidelines to maintain safety. A challenging workout is provided daily and will be updated monthly to keep the workouts fresh. AFPC's services team also joined forces with the Pentagon Channel and developed 20 new fitness shows for the "Fit for Duty" television series. Xtreme Wednesday Workouts can be located on the Pentagon Channel website at Shows began airing on TPC and the American Forces Network Jan. 2. Airmen can download videos from the TPC website to build a customized workout library. The program features advanced strength and conditioning workouts geared toward Level 3 participants. The shows are also available through some cable providers. The 20 workouts will also be developed into Air Force Fitness DVDs which will be available at base installations by late spring. "These fitness programs allow members to follow or build their own program to meet their fitness goals," said Anthony Alcala, a fitness program specialist. The next phase in this initiative is to deliver the Fitness on Request Kiosks to over 60 installations. This system will supplement existing group exercise programs or installations that can no longer fund their group exercise contract, Alcala said. Loaded with 30 pre-recorded classes, the kiosks will offer fitness centers the flexibility and convenience to offer more individual or group classes than before. Installations will receive kiosks by late summer, with the first deliveries slated for this month. For more information on these new fitness resources and other quality of life programs, visit or To set up a class, contact a local installation fitness center or unit physical training leader.