AF Teen Council plans 2013 growth, development events Published Feb. 7, 2013 By Ebony Sayles, Hunter Woodard and Dorian Holnes Air Force Teen Council delegation JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- How many times have you said, "Man, I'm so bored."? If you said it once, you've said it too many times. The Air Force Teen Council has many events planned this year that will get you on your feet, including four projects, collectively known as the 2013 Teen Movement Project. Designed to benefit military teens, support and participation in these projects is vital to their success. Between January and March, installation teen councils around the world are working on the first quarter project, "ConnecTeens." The focus is on building communication and collaboration between teen councils and other organizations in their communities. The second quarterly project, "ParticipaTeens," is designed to increase teen participation in youth centers Air Force wide. "Come on, Let's GO!!" the third quarter project, focuses on center support for youth facing permanent change of station difficulties. The final 2013 quarterly project is "STEMtastic." This project is designed to introduce students to science and mathematics-related career opportunities. The AFTC will continue to work toward its goals: Increase and improve communication between teens and leaders; cultivate an environment of civic leadership among teen members; increase relevancy of Air Force Youth Programs in teens' lives and initiate change that will improve quality of life for Air Force youth and teens. Teens will work together to develop great ideas and create innovative and viable solutions for various issues Air Force teens regularly face during the Air Force Keystone Conference Camp slated for July in San Antonio. Air Force Youth Program teens whose parents are in the active-duty Air Force also have the opportunity to participate in the Youth Employment Skills program, sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society. The YES provides scholarship money to those teens and gives them an opportunity to learn valuable workplace skills. Finally, the Boys and Girls Club of America Military Youth of the Year program recognizes and promotes service to community and family, academic success, strong moral character, life goals, poise and public speaking. Participants are also eligible to earn several scholarships. For more information about Air Force teen programs, go to, and