U.S. forces transition to Operation New Dawn

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The United States military marked a historic milestone Sept. 1 as it made the transition from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn. This transition signifies a formal end to U.S. military combat operations and reaffirms the U.S. military's commitment to the Iraqi Security Forces and the government and people of Iraq.

The transition to stability operations began almost two years ago and was made possible by increased capability of Iraqi Security Forces. As the ISF troops improved their ability to combat terrorists and provide security for the Iraqi people, U.S. military members gradually moved into a supporting role and started conducting stability operations.

As part of Operation New Dawn, U.S. Forces have three primary missions: advising, assisting, and training the Iraqi Security Forces; conducting partnered counterterrorism operations; and providing support to provincial reconstruction teams and civilian partners as they help build Iraq's civil capacity.

Operation New Dawn also shifts the U.S. Government emphasis from predominantly military to predominately civilian as the U.S. officials assist Iraqis in accordance with the Strategic Framework Agreement.

Officials in the departments of Defense and State, along with international and nongovernmental organizations, will continue working together, assisting as Iraq officials build civil capacity. This transition represents a change in the nature of the U.S. commitment to the government and people of Iraq, but not a change in the level of commitment. The U.S. government will continue to strengthen its enduring strategic partnership with Iraq.

(Courtesy of United States Forces - Iraq Press Desk)