Air Force Facebook presence gets boost from a top spouse

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The Air Force Facebook portfolio now features a page hosted by a top spouse in the Air Force.

Mrs. Suzie Schwartz, the wife of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, has just gone live with her own page geared toward communicating with Air Force families.

The Air Force already has an official Facebook page,, and a host of other pages at the MAJCOM and base level, but this is the first official personal page for an Air Force senior leader spouse.

New to the social media arena, Mrs. Schwartz said she decided to take the plunge after getting feedback that today's Airmen and families are relying more and more on digital communication.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time," she said. "I hope to use this as an information tool for Air Force spouses."

Her welcome message on the page encourages fans to "use this forum to communicate and meet other spouses on your base and around the world."

Mrs. Schwartz's Facebook page can be viewed at