ACCRA, Ghana (AFPN) --
Airmen from Joint Task Force-Nomad Fire (West) here brought gifts and supplies as part of a humanitarian outreach event for 150 orphaned children Feb. 18 in Accra.
The deployed members heard there was a possibility of visiting a local orphanage in the late afternoon Feb. 17 and the numbers of volunteers and donations began to grow before the plans were even approved.
The task force members deployed to Ghana to support President George Bush's visit to Africa. President Bush visited Benin, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana and Liberia Feb. 16 through 21.
After ensuring the visit wouldn't impact the team's primary mission, Col. James Dew, the task force commander, approved the plan. By mid-morning on Feb. 18, the U.S. Embassy approved the trip.
Nearly 25 Airmen boarded the bus that afternoon headed for the Osu Children's Home. More wanted to participate, but couldn't due to mission requirements. Those individuals did the next best thing they could -- donated money to the effort.
"I've wanted to do something like this since we got here," said Tech. Sgt. Sarah Gordon, a JTF-NF(W) personnelist in charge of contingency operations.
The bus stopped at a local store where the volunteers pooled resources, including the money donated back by those who couldn't attend, and bought more than $500 worth of supplies. By the time the bus arrived at the orphanage, the group was laden down with bags of rice, baby formula, school supplies, hygiene products, laundry detergent and toys.
The group toured the facility before settling in for some cuddling and play time with children who ranged from newborns to 18 year olds.
"Some of the hardships these children have endured are truly amazing," said Capt. Cheo Stalworth, a JTF-NF(W) communications officer.
"This child is 6 months old, although he is the size of a 3 month old," an orphanage volunteer said as she fed sips of formula to a small infant from a medicine cup. "He is sick and was abandoned by his family."
The Airmen spent two hours with the children and connected with many of the children. One young boy approached Staff Sgt. Scott Warren, a JTF-NF(W) communications journeyman who came to the Osu Children's Home
"Do you speak French?" the boy named Mohammed asked.
"No. I'm sorry, I don't. I wish I did," Sergeant Warren replied.
"I only speak a little English," Mohammed said.
The boy smiled and pointed to see Sergeant Warren's tattoo. Despite the language barrier, the two managed to talk about the boy's life.
"It wasn't until later that I learned the boy's family was shot in another country. He walked the whole way here on his own," Sergeant Warren said. "He's only been here five days."
The Airmen hand out more than $500 worth of supplies they purchased through personal donations for the orphans at the Osu Children's Home.
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