AAFES to host online video contest

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The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is giving military shoppers a chance to show off their video making skills (and maybe even win one of three possible shopping sprees) with the "It's My Benefit" video contest.

From Dec. 15 through Feb. 15, 2008, authorized AAFES shoppers are invited to produce a 30-to 60-second commercial about their military exchange and morale, welfare and recreation benefits. The internet audience as well as AAFES leadership will judge submissions.

The winner of the "It's My Benefit" contest will have the choice of an Apple G5 Computer with software or a $2,000 online shopping spree. Runner-up contestants will receive a $1,000 and $500 online shopping spree.

"I can't wait to see the entries," said AAFES' Chief Marketing Officer Richard Sheff. "As this is our first ever user-generated online contest, I think it's going to be fun and engaging for both participants and judges."

A complete description of the "It's My Benefit" contest rules can be found online at AAFES.com. The contest is open to all authorized shoppers of the military exchange. Entries must be received by Feb. 15, 2008. No purchase is necessary to win. 

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