Latest 'Today's Air Force' highlights Air Force's focus

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This week's edition of "Today's Air Force" highlights three Air Force's topics:  modernization and recapitalization, air shows and the culture of responsibility. 

Leaders understand that cyberspace will be the final war-fighting frontier. With technology steadily advancing, the need for cyberspace "warriors" is rapidly becoming more apparent and important. What is also important is how the Air Force is using technology to go "green" by using synthetic fuel which saves money and provides a healthier environment. 

Air shows have proven to be an excellent way for Air Force leaders show off the service.  Each year, officials put Air Force aircraft on display in a variety of air shows on home soil and around the world in places like South America, Asia and Europe. Many of these shows feature the Air Force's premier flight demonstration team, the Thunderbirds.

Also highlighted this week is the challenge Air Force officials face keeping Airmen out of trouble and out of certain off-base areas during the late night hours. Learn how it requires sacrifice and the commitment of the entire community to meet the challenge.

The long-format, weekly news show tells Air Force stories in more depth. The program is made up of three segments and each runs approximately eight minutes. Although each can stand alone, they are related to form a seamless program.

"Today's Air Force" can be seen every day on The Pentagon Channel and via American Forces Radio and Television Service stations all around the world or subscribe to receive the Air Force feed via podcast.

Also, more than 130 cable-access stations air the program, which can be obtained either from a satellite feed or through a file-transfer protocol server. If you would like your local public access station to carry this program, send us your request to:

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This week's line-up includes:

Segment A - Modernization/Recapitalization
Cyberspace Command
Technology Expo
B-2 Upgrades
Green Refueler
Green Dorms

Segment B - Air Shows
Aviano Thunderbirds Show
Paris Air Show
International Air Tattoo
Pipe Band at Air Show

Segment C - Culture of Responsibility
Yokota Curfew
Friday Night Basketball
Harry Potter Opening

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