5th SFS load up for comrade injured in Iraq

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Trevor Tiernan
  • Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs
Airmen from the 5th Security Forces Squadron took part in a "ruck-march" May 3 to show support for a fellow squadron member injured in Iraq.

Staff Sgt. Scott Lilley, 5th SFS, was injured April 15 when he and his team was attacked by insurgents, and his vehicle hit by an improvised explosive device.

The 5th SFS Airmen travelled from squadron to squadron carrying full rucksacks on their backs. In addition to showing support for their injured comrade, the Airmen also took donations for Sergeant Lilley's family, who has been by his side for more than two weeks.

"Scotty's showing amazing improvement. We rejoice in each small progress he makes, every smile, every hand squeeze, every update from his doctors and medical team," wrote parents Frank and Jolene Lilley on their Web log. "We know there will be ups and downs in his recovery, and the road may be long. But if there's one thing we've learned, it's that every day is a blessing."

After the attack, Sergeant Lilley was evacuated to Balad Air Base, Iraq, and then moved to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

While at Landstuhl, Sergeant Lilley was visited by Lt. Gen. Gary North, U.S. Central Command Air Forces commander, who presented him with the Purple Heart.

After his stay at LRMC, Sergeant Lilley and his family were flown to National Naval Medical Center, Md.

Lt. Col. John Worley, 5th SFS commander, visited Sergeant Lilley in Maryland.

"Sergeant Lilley is an outstanding Airman and a great leader," Colonel Worley said, adding Sergeant Lilley recognized his commander when he saw him, shook his hand and tried to salute him upon departure. "The doctors are doing a great job taking care of him. He's getting a little bit better every day."

One of the participants in the "ruck-march" was his closest friend here, Staff Sgt. Joseph Throgmorton, 5th SFS kennel master. As details of the attack trickled back to Minot, Sergeant Throgmorton was little surprised by his friend's actions.

"Scott is an exceptional friend who you can always count on no matter what the situation," he said. "From what I've heard he's kept to that high standard by continuing to defend his vehicle, his team and I'm sure his friends even after being injured. Scott is a true warrior with a kind heart and a never-give-up attitude."

The praise for Sergeant Lilley's character as an Airman and warrior was echoed by his former flight-chief, Senior Master Sgt. Kevin Kose, 5th SFS installation security superintendent.

"He was one of my best flight members and a top-notch patrolman and area supervisor," he said. "I hold Sergeant Lilley in high regard and know he will overcome his injuries and press on."

Team Minot members can logon to Sergeant Lilley's parents' Web log to read about his progress and leave messages of support by visiting http://www.caringbridge.org and entering "scottlilleystaffsgt" to reach his page.

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