AFSO 21 officials offer 'Views You Can Use'

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The Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century office created a new product to keep Airmen informed about AFSO 21.

The new "Views You Can Use" is a monthly informational product AFSO 21 officials hope will spotlight useful AFSO21 concepts and successes stories.

"Our job as America's Airmen is to fly and fight in the air, space and cyberspace, and we're the best in the world at what we do. But we can always improve combat effectiveness, and I believe AFSO21 can help us get there," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen T. Michael Moseley in the first edition of the Views You Can Use.

This new product will be distributed to all Air Force base newspapers and Web sites, and is posted on the AFSO 21 Web page on Air Force Link.

Airmen can read the most recent edition of Views You Can Use at Airmen can also read news stories of how AFSO 21 is improving processes all over the Air Force at

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