Willow Grove has best family readiness program

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Paul Flipse
  • Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs
Members of the 913th Airlift Wing at Willow Grove Air Reserve Station, Pa., received the 2006 Reserve Family Readiness Award at a Feb. 16 ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Terry Jarrell, the 913th's family readiness director, and Master Sgt. Bernadette Tate-Dunlap, the family readiness superintendent, accepted the Department of Defense award. 

Joining them were Col. Reinhard L. Schmidt, the wing commander; Col. Ellie F. Nix, the 913th Mission Support Group commander; and Brig. Gen. Charles D. Etheridge, deputy to the chief of Air Force Reserve and a former 913th AW commander.

"We're elated," Sergeant Tate-Dunlap said. "We worked so hard all year to take care of reservists and their families."

The unit received acclaim for several programs, including its "Hearts Apart" support group, which provided information, comfort and camaraderie to immediate and extended family members after more than 300 of Willow Grove ARS' 1,100 reservists deployed.

Thomas F. Hall, assistant defense secretary for Reserve affairs, presented the award at the end of the 2007 Family Readiness Summit. Mr. Hall stressed the importance of families in the careers and lives of reservists.

"Without a family that is satisfied ... more than likely, service is not possible," he said. "The family has to be on board. When a servicemember is deployed, the last thing they need to be worrying about is problems at home."

This was the second time the Air Force Reserve Command unit has won the award.

(Courtesy of Air Force Reserve Command News Service) 

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