AFSO21 streamlines deployment processing

  • Published
  • 379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron
Deploying Airmen had an easier transition into the area of responsibility this January because the 379th Expeditionary Logistics Squadron Readiness Flight revamped the way the Aerial Port of Debarkation processes Airmen departing and arriving.

Fellow Airmen redeploying in January may not have recognized it as the same place when they arrived.

Air Force personnel arriving at the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing are now briefed on wing policies, the mobility process and flight information in the Air Force Transient Reception Control Center.

Also, transients now receive or return mobility bags, body armor and first aid kits at the Expeditionary Theater Distribution Center. Prior to leaving the secure area, Airmen turn in any weapons at the transient armory.

"Reorganization started by moving the distribution center return tent next to the reception control center, eliminating the need to carry two or more mobility bags and excess gear through customs," said Capt. David Hansell, 379 Air Expeditionary Wing installation deployment officer. "This is an instant benefit for the passengers as they redeploy home."

Additionally, as a result of an Air Force Smart Operations 21 discussion, the issue tent process was enhanced by initiating the use of numbered metal seals.

"These numbers are kept in our database and upon an individual's return the seal is checked for integrity. If the seal is not broken then an inventory is not required. This improvement alone saves over 570 man hours per AEF cycle," said Captain Hansell.

Relocating the transient armory to the south side of the reception control center removed a bottleneck outside customs allowing personnel to easily move throughout the reception area.

In addition, as a result of doubling its original size, the transient armory can now process chalks more efficiently and awaiting passengers have an area to assemble away from the baggage yard.

While remaining in the same location, the Air Force Transient Reception Control Center adopted new workstations, which were discarded from another unit, which saved the center $40,000.

According to Captain Hansell, the workstations improved customer service, produced a more professional environment and patriotic murals were also added for increased morale.

"The result of this reorganization will be appreciated by the 13,000 personnel processing through here each rotation," Captain Hansell said. "However, the many contributors from the 379th Expeditionary Civil Engineer and Communications squadrons should be recognized for helping to ease the transition for fellow Airmen deploying up-range."

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