Program helps Airmen reintegrate after deployments

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Mara Title
  • Detachment 4, Air Force News Agency
Returning home from a deployment can be a time full of excitement with hopes of getting back into normal life and reuniting with loved ones. But reintegrating back into normal life can be difficult as things at work and home have changed.

The reintegration program at Ramstein AB seeks to help make the transition easier for Airmen when they get back home.

Along with the basic requirements of turning in weapons, updating records or having blood drawn, Airmen also attend briefings.

"The most important part of reintegrating is receiving the communications briefing (and) the safety briefing. (They) identify pitfalls, and common issues people go through when they return from deployment," said 2nd Lt. Gwendolyn Soden, a reintegration officer.

As part of the briefings, Chaplain (Capt.) Don Levy tries to give Airmen some insight on feelings they might encounter during the weeks and months ahead. He stressed reintegrating with family members doesn't happen automatically.

"I think people don't realize the extent to which their lives have been put on hold," he said.

He also said for most people, it can take up to six months before they really feel like they're 100 percent back into their normal lives. Because of this, he said "it's important to have a sensitivity toward one another."

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