Bagram PRT awards $3 million contract

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Joseph Kapinos
  • 455th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs
A landmark road-construction contract that will link all districts in the Kapisa province of Afghanistan was awarded to a local contractor by the Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team Sept. 18.

When the road is complete, Kapisa province will be the only province in Afghanistan with roads connecting all districts with the capital.

The Air Force-led PRT awarded the $3 million contract to Shams Construction Company of Kabul and will follow the progress during the year-long project. The company will be responsible for making sure 62 kilometers, or roughly 38 miles, of road is built in the Afghan countryside.

"This road is significant," said Army Maj. Donald Johnson, the director of civil military operations for the Bagram PRT. "This will be the first time that people will be able to travel to all the districts across the province, bringing commerce, security and stability to the region."

A mix of civilian, U.S. military and coalition forces, the PRT works to promote conditions for self-sufficiency, enduring prosperity and a secure, stable environment. The PRTs are an off-shoot of humanitarian operations units created by the Army in 2002. From wells to schools to hydro-electric projects, the teams are helping rebuild Afghanistan.

"This project is one of several projects that directly support the Afghan National Development Strategy," Major Johnson said. "The ANDS serves as a guideline on progressing Afghanistan into the next 10 to 15 years."

Working closely with the contractors, the PRT follows and monitors the progress of the project from start to finish. Members of the team help the workers with technical advice and with making sure supplies are available. Payment on the contract is done as the project is completed; half complete equals half paid.

Ultimately, the goal of the PRT and the contractors is to open up the provinces of Afghanistan to development and progress, allowing for a more stable and secure environment for the people and the nation.

"In this period of reconstruction, nothing happens until something moves," Major Johnson said. "These roads bring that movement."