Front desk work keeps Airman busy on Air Force birthday

  • Published
  • By Louis A. Arana-Barradas
  • Air Force Print News
Senior Airman Abbragail Barnett's front desk duties will most likely keep her from enjoying cake, ice cream and punch on the Air Force's 59th birthday.

That's nothing new for most Airmen around the world, who will report to work to fight or support the ongoing war on terrorism.

This war -- like all the ones before -- is taking Airmen to dangerous, far-flung locations to do their jobs. Some of those jobs they had never done before. Others at stateside bases provide the people and support needed carry on that war.

Airman Barnett is a services journeyman at the Liberty Lodge, which is part of the 48th Services Squadron at Royal Air Force Base Lakenheath, England. It is a job she enjoys.

"I will perform my duties to the best of my ability to help further the Air Force mission -- as I do every other day of the year," the 3-year veteran said.

The Air Force may be a year older, but it is doing more today, with a smaller force, than it did even five years ago. Since becoming a separate service in 1947, the Air Force has increased its capabilities and its global reach now stretches into space.

Today, the Air Force and its sister services are busy achieving what Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne called spherical situational awareness. This allows the U.S. military to take "a comprehensive, spherical view -- at once vertical, horizontal, real time and predictive, penetrating and defended in the cyber realm."

But in a message to the force, Secretary Wynne and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley said the Air Force is the globe's dominant force in air, space and cyberspace because of its Airmen.

"Our knowledge-enabled Airmen have revolutionized the way our nation defends itself and its allies across the full spectrum of threats," they said.

Yet the threats of terror attacks on the nation are still a reality. That makes the Air Force's role even more important. That reality is not lost on the Airman from Springfield, Tenn.

"We're the main contributors to fighting -- and eventually winning -- the war on terrorism," Airman Barnett said.

As Airmen continue to do their duty today, there are even more changes taking place. And each day new technology and smart processes make doing Air Force business smarter and more efficient. It is hard to predict where the service will be in five years.

But that is clear to the Airman.

"We'll be a leaner more efficient force because of Air Force Smart Ops 21 and other force-shaping initiatives," Airman Barnett said.