HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. (AFNS) -- The 705th Training Squadron, at Hurlburt Field, recently hosted visitors from Air University to review the former Multi-domain Warfare Officer, or 13O, training program to determine the best place to integrate operational planning instruction throughout various levels of the Air Force’s professional military education system.
Dr. Jeff Reilly and Lt. Col. Brian Hellesto traveled to Hurlburt Field from Air University to begin initial discussions regarding Air Education and Training Command’s plan to incorporate Joint All-Domain Operations principles throughout all levels of PME. This comes on the heels of the Air Force chief of staff’s charge to “reinforce all Air Force members’ multi-domain expertise” to continue outpacing national strategic adversaries.
Over the two-day visit, the 705th TRS shared 13O Initial Skill Training courseware and the successful approach that generated highly skilled officers in JADO planning.
“The iterative 13O training proved how valuable and necessary it is for the Air Force to develop this skill, but it’s not enough to just have a handful of operational planning experts within the air components for a brief episodic period– our department needs to cultivate this mindset throughout the ranks to include our enlisted and civilian leaders,” said Col. Adam Shelton, 505th Test and Training Group commander.
Additionally, the AU team observed the 505th TRS instructors providing Air Operations Center Initial Qualification Training, the 505th Combat Training Squadron providing air component expertise and its AOC replication capabilities, and the wing’s Advanced Program subject matter experts who provided insights into incorporating special technical operations content into the Joint All-Domain Strategist program at AU.
“While the AU team is initially focused on the advancement of intermediate development education and select electives for field grade officers, the insights gained during this visit will also inform the larger AETC efforts to place operational planning considerations throughout the PME enterprise,” Shelton said.
The visit concluded with a discussion with Col. Frederick Coleman, 505th Command and Control Wing commander, who is a graduate of Reilly’s Air Command and Staff College elective, “Operational Design.” During the visit, Coleman thanked Reilly for his mentorship and instruction, and the two discussed how Dr. Reilly’s ACSC courseware can benefit by incorporating content from the 13O program.
“The best place to teach joint operational planning is PME so every Airman understands the art of operational planning that’s how we hit the broadest audience,” Coleman said. “So we’re working with AU to ensure the curriculum that we used so successfully in the 13O course doesn’t need to be recreated and could be easily transferred to AU, so they can teach it en masse to the thousands of Airmen, joint teammates, and coalition partners that come through their doors every year. AU and the 505th CCW will be in a tight formation, providing mutual support for education and training.”