POW Medal Presentation
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III (center) presented nine Prisoner of War Medasl to Army Air Corps veterans and family members during a ceremony April 30, 2014, at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. From the left are Tech. Sgt. Alva H. Moss, Sgt. William G. Blackburn, 1st Lt. Paul J. Gambaiana, retired Lt. Col. James I. Misuraca, retired Maj. James V. Moran, 1st Lt. James F. Mahon, Staff Sgt. John G. Fox, Sgt. George E. Thursby. The son and grandson of Staff Sgt. Thomas J. Sinitsky, who died recently, accepted the award on his behalf. (U.S. Air Force photo/Jim Varhegyi)