Office of Personnel Management announces eOPF upgrades

  • Published
  • By Janis El Shabazz
  • Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
The Office of Personnel Management has announced recent upgrades to their electronic personnel filing system to provide smarter and more efficient service to employees.

The OPM eOPF is a secure electronic personnel folder which provides civilian employees virtual access to their personnel records. This includes notifications of personnel actions and benefit election documentation such as Thrift Saving Plan contributions, life insurance and health benefits.

"This upgrade provides substantially improved navigation," said Chuck Zedek, the Air Force Personnel Center eOPF project manager. "Employees who have not done so should set up an eOPF account and review their records to ensure they are correct and up to date."

"Ultimately, we're all responsible for managing our own future and professional development," he said. “Ensuring our records are correct will help us achieve our professional goals.”

To help employees do that, AFPC sends all employees an annual email reminder during their birth month.

To create an eOPF account, go to myPers at Under the "I would like to..." section, select "Learn how to access my Electronic Official Personnel File." Scroll down to the "Creating eOPF Account" section and follow the instructions.

Employees must have a valid work email address in the eOPF in order to create their user account. The eOPF email data field is updated from the employee's email address in MyBiz. Therefore, employees should check their MyBiz email address to make sure it's accurate. To do that, go to It takes approximately 24 hours for MyBiz email updates to flow to the eOPF.

The eOPF can only be accessed from a government or military computer network. The eOPF and MyBiz are secure applications, so employees do not need to worry about their data being compromised, Zedek said.

"Using the myPers self-service applications and the eOPF puts employees' personnel information at their fingertips," Zedek said. "They can now complete actions, which previously took an inordinate amount of time out of their day, with the click of a mouse."

Employees can initiate requests for corrective action for certain eOPF errors or omissions such as date of birth correction, name change and social security number correction.

To learn more about self-service updates, visit the myPers self-service page, accessible via the home page "I would like to" section.

For more information about other personnel issues, visit the myPers website.