Emerging leader program applications due by Dec. 19 Published Dec. 9, 2014 By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Eligible officers and civilians have until Dec. 19 to submit applications for the National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program for Emerging Leaders (PEL). The program exists to foster a community of rising U.S. government leaders who are aware and able to respond to WMD dangers, said Master Sgt. Kimberlyn Smith, the AFPC Developmental Education superintendent. Membership is limited to 25 people per year who are selected from various services and agencies. "This is a unique professional development opportunity which brings together select individuals from across the government to provide an appreciation for the variety of WMD threats and the full range of means, processes and organizations to address them," Smith said. "Through periodic membership activities, PEL provides a forum for building an interagency network of next generation leaders with a better understanding of the role of WMD in U.S. national security." Candidates must have responsibilities related to security and have a secret security clearance. Officer applicants must be active duty captains or majors, and civilians must be GS-11 through GS-13 (or pay band 2). Applicants must have at least three years of post-baccalaureate experience, and they must be willing to participate in the program for three years and are required to participate in the summer immersion June 1-5, 2015, in Washington, D.C. For more information and application instructions, go to myPers, select "Search All Components" from the drop down menu and enter "2015 National Defense University (NDU) Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program for Emerging Leaders (PEL)" in the search window. For more information about other personnel issues, go to myPers. Air Force retirees who do not have a myPers account can request one at www.retirees.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-120510-068.pdf.